Tags: "Top Favorites", Comedian "comedian quotes", "comedians of comedy", "comedians of chelsea lately", "comedians on tour", "comedian bob marley", "comedians on tour 2009", "comedians on twitter", "comedian harmonists", "comedian jokes", Comedian Fights To The Death While I Play Depressing Music
Video Title: (Musicians Singers Comedians Spoken Word) Video Duration: 1:38 From: drrlshaw Category: Music dr. rosalyn l. shaw - 832-297-3457 - dream2life a tv show that empowers dance, art, comedy, mime, music and any other art form. dream2life productions is turning dreams 2 life tv through the via of television, internet, cable amp satellite with a program that gives art forms the opportunity to have television exposure to millions of viewers. too often outstanding talent and gifts need exposure to more than the people across the street. our objective is to expose the god-given gifts and talents to the world the every video via available. dream2life is a production company that bears their name in every event promoted. the objective is to bring dreams to life. we encomp every genre of the arts as well as business. we promote events in dance, comedy, spoken word, and also empower business ventures and opportunities. we also do empowerment speaking to groups, churches, organizations, etc. dream2life productions amp marketing promotes, markets, and exposes your vision through the power of audio video recording, promotional events and activities and product distribution. we provide various tools to empower each vision with the various tools to increase, enhance, develop, uplift and promote and expose them worldwide. we mainly focus on every genre of the arts, music, dance, mime, spoken word, comedy, etc. we also aid home-based businesses, network marketers and independent entrepreneurs. we have spent time researching businesses, opportunities and entrepreneurial ltbgt...lt bgt Tags: "Most Featured", Musicians "musicians friend coupon code", "musicians union", "musicians insute", "musicians wanted", "musicians friend coupon", "musiciansfriend canada", "musicians benevolent fund", "musicians earplugs", "musicians clifieds", Musicians Singers Comdeians Spoken Word
Video Title: (Documentary-1 Wmv) Video Duration: 7:48 From: CurtisCandy Category: Comedy chronicling curtis candy's return to stand-up comedy at the over-ripe age of 48. this is the first segment of a continuing documentary, following curtis as he tries to re-enter the comedy game after many years' absence. should be a lot of fun please follow along at this channel or curtiscandy Tags: "Top Rated", Stand-up "stand-up comedians", "stand-up desk", "stand-up showdown", "stand-up ny", "stand-up guy", "stand-up comedy tips", "stand-up showdown 2010", "stand-up economist", "stand-up paddle boards", Stand-up Comedy Comedian Funny Jokes Laughs Standup Curtis Candy
Video Title: (Humor Mill Presents Robert Townsend) Video Duration: 1:37 From: MrPhotograff Category: Entertainment the humor mill magazine is a magazine that's about the urban comic amp urban hollywood for the general audience. its for comedians actors who are looking for that outlet to be seen, and its also about the under-served urban hollywood scene. the humor mill magazine features comedy, music and movie news, while we also discuss some important issues. we also feature comics who have been on the scene for a while but haven't quite become a household name yet. we also feature articles on hollywood actors who we see all the time but just don't know their name yet. all that, plus what's going down for the week in the latest issue, the humor mill covers it all as it keeps you in the know Tags: "Top Favorites", Naoe "naoet", "naoe kanetsugu", "naoestafacil", "naoetsu", "naoet etoh", "naocl", "nao entendo", "naoem", "joetsu japan", Naoe Naoenaoepix
Video Title: (Kingryan Events ) Video Duration: 3:51 From: syncupvideo Category: Film and Animation 102810 king ryan event annual holloween party aqua lounge video by the humble hustle and syncupvideo.co. from saturday's satiric "rally to restore sanity" and "or fear" by hosts comedians john steward the daily show and stephen colbert colbert report countering glenn beck's "restoring honor" rally, set the mood for the weekend...and what a weekend it was poised between the rally poking fun at fear mongers, dare we say, who dress-up as overzealous politicians blasting the airwaves with "opponent" bashing and general election day, halloween, eases the fright of what november 2nd may manifest...enjoy the treats, fantasy, boo-tiful ghoulies before voodoo, errrr, voting - created at animoto Tags: "Top Favorites", Animoto "animoto promo code", "animoto education", "animoto promo code 2010", "animoto code", "animoto alternative", "animoto review", "animation", "animoto coupon", "animoto sign in", "", Animoto
Video Title: (Kingryan Events ) Video Duration: 3:51 From: kingryanevents Category: Film and Animation 102810 king ryan event annual holloween party aqua lounge video by the humble hustle and syncupvideo.co. from saturday's satiric "rally to restore sanity" and "or fear" by hosts comedians john steward the daily show and stephen colbert colbert report countering glenn beck's "restoring honor" rally, set the mood for the weekend...and what a weekend it was poised between the rally poking fun at fear mongers, dare we say, who dress-up as overzealous politicians blasting the airwaves with "opponent" bashing and general election day, halloween, eases the fright of what november 2nd may manifest...enjoy the treats, fantasy, boo-tiful ghoulies before voodoo, errrr, voting - created at animoto Tags: "Most Featured", Animoto "animoto promo code", "animoto education", "animoto promo code 2010", "animoto code", "animoto alternative", "animoto review", "animation", "animoto coupon", "animoto sign in", "", Animoto
Video Title: (Garys Standup Comedy Part 12) Video Duration: 7:32 From: TheGaryuncensored Category: Comedy part 1 2. in the early 90s, i performed standup comedy professionally for about 3 years. here is the last remaining footage that i have of myself performing. this set was recorded for a local cable access show, and edited for time. at this point, i was just starting to graduate from open mic nights into paid gigs. i was paid s75 for this show, which i used to purchase a 40 oz malt liquor and a hooker. Tags: "Most Discussed", Standup "standup2cancer", "standup for kids", "stand up", "stand up for dharma", "stand up desk", "stand up act", "stand up comedians", "stand up paddle boards", "stand up b", Standup Comedian Humor Comedy Comic