Video Title: (Waiting To Inhale Will This Be The Babys First Breath Or A Sentence Of Death)
Video Duration: 1:34
From: RainhadoCanto4
Category: News and Politics
how many potential feminists did pp abort reproductive health except for the unborn. 3 women photos on website all smiling. why aren't the unborn allowed to have that option plannedparenthood tags fetus foetus fœtus faetus fætus fertilisation conception fecundation syngamy infant viviparous vertebrate embryonic stage birth margaret sanger american birth control league planned parenthood federation of america, inc. faye wattleton cecile richards bill amp melinda gates foundation reproductive health planned parenthood affiliates performed 305310 medical and surgical abortions in 2007, up from 289750 in 2006.7 in 2002 a pro-life activist, posing as a 13-year-old impregnated by her 22-year-old boyfriend, called over 800 clinics requesting an abortion. the texas group claimed over 90 of the clinics agreed to her request not to report the boyfriend to the police for statutory obs.16 in december 2008, planned parenthood suspended a nurse after live action films , a university of california, los angeles pro-life student organization, released an undercover investigative video showing the nurse at an indiana planned parenthood clinic encouraging a young woman, who was posing as a 13-year old girl impregnated by a 31-year old man, to lie about the age of her partner to avoid reporting statutory obs under indiana la17 ociated press december 4, 2008. "video planned parenthood tells girl to lie in bloomington, ind." . chicago sun-times. suntimes ltbgt...lt bgt
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