Video Title: (Visa 2010 Fifa World Cup)
Video Duration: 1:04
From: carlosmerigo
Category: Entertainment
brainstorm9.br tbwa\chiat\day los angeles global director of media arts lee clow chief creative officer los angeles: rob schwartz chief creative officer berlin: stefan schmidt art director: scott brown copywriter: paul sincoff executive producer: guia iacomin istant producer: michael gross management director: bill brooks account director: nick drake management supervisor: nicole bray account supervisor: sara fahim account executive: brienne monty executive planning director: dan goldstein director of business affairs: linda daubson senior business manager: lisa lipman senior traffic manager: jerry neill director: jake scott production company: rsa films executive producer: tracie norfleet line producer: david mitchell music: amber music creative director executive producer: michelle curran composer: leo sidran song performance: children of agape choir mix house: lime studios mixer: rohan young editorial company: chrome editorial editor: hal honigsberg istant editor: keith hamm post producer: angela dorian design amp animation company: paranoid design studio graphic design director: nieto executive producers: claude letessier amp cathleen oconor producer: guillaume raffi lead artist: vincent rogozyk artists: michael tavarez, james vogel, andy lyon
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