Video Title: (Desertdogz Vs Maple Mushroom)
Video Duration: 3:19
From: link1812
Category: Entertainment
desertdogz vs the maple mushroom- this video actually started off as a test and technically still is one but due to the positive progress and response from family amp friends, i decided to finish it up and upload it for youtube to enjoy. note 1: there was many other people who i wanted to put into the credits but due to the lack of spritesheets, i wasn't able to. so a big thanks to maplemation and mapleguide.forum-motion note 2: sorry to all my asain brothers and sisters, in this case japanese ones due to some of the voice clips within the video. i know they don't actually mean what has been said in japanese but it fits and looks cool so decided to add it. hope you guys don't mind. note 3: the majority of the sprites are thanks to jackbowser a great friend of mines and an awesome spriter. this animation wasn't possible without his sprites and spriting skills. also thanks to him for the voice clips. thanks to tate for the soundkit which i was originally testing. big thanks to ronohora my bro for all his help. enjoy the vid -
Tags: "Top Rated", DesertdogzDesertdogz Desert Dogz Muzickid Xxmuzickidxx Mkp Muzickidproductions Jackbowser Ronohora Jerry Mali Smash Mushroom Collab Bsbg Bsbackgrounds Bannedstory Fight Animation Maplestory Nexon Wizet
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