Video Title: (The Truth ) Video Duration: 4:58 From: omi2cindas Category: People and Blogs please read first many people dont realise what goes on behind the scenes of horse slaughter horses travel for over 30 hours straight, in a cramped trailer, with no food or water, and fighting for space. many horses dont make it to the other side alive some suffer with serious injuries and are left to die. horses that are sent to slaugher are sometimes perfectly healthy horses that ave great potential. when the horses arrive at the abattiour they are beaten and abused by workers. i want everyone to realise the suffering that these horses go through. please show your support thank you x - i do not own the music - Tags: "Top Rated", Horse "horses for sale", "horsemart", "horses", "horse and hound", "horse deals", "horseland", "horsequest", "horse names", "horse racing results", "", Horse Slaughter
Video Title: (The Cove Part 4 Of 10) Video Duration: 9:04 From: JCThomsonMA Category: Pets and Animals the cove is a chilling account of how mankind perpetrates unspeakable cruelty on animals, seemingly without a single qualm, perhaps even with visceral pleasure. in this film, mankind is personified by the japanese it could equally well be any other nationality the animals are dolphins, which we know to be among the most intelligent and emotional of all species. one really despairs, both for the animals, and for the future of all animals on this infinitely beautiful planet. in my opinion there is no mitigation for behaviour of this sort, no morally relative defence. it is wrong - wrong in japan, wrong in any country, any culture, any community, anywhere on the planet. absolutely wrong. i urge you to watch the whole film. it is inspiring because it shows us that there are people who care, who take action to try to end this appalling slaughter and the suffering of the animals. further, i urge you to articulate your displeasure about such human activities at every opportunity, especially to the politicians who are our representatives. societies like japan are fundamentally homogenous and don't take criticism from external sources well. it tends to stiffen their resolve not to be dictated to. the chinese another country where animal cruelty is the stuff of nightmares is similarly disposed. but they do react to economic pressure. so i would urge you not to bolster the economies of such countries, those in which such atrocities are commonplace, by buying their goods bgt Tags: "Most Discussed", Animals "animals as leaders", "animals a-z", "animals that start with n", "animals lyrics", "animals that start with x", "animals that start with u", "animals pictures", "animals mating", "animals games", Animals Cruelty Dolphins Japan
Video Title: (Call Of Duty 4 Funny Movie) Video Duration: 7:03 From: elishaWilchekw Category: People and Blogs map name give ammo noclip cg-thirdpeson 160how to do the zombie walk: youtube to do the ladder glitch:- go to the ledder and use cheat- noclip. than look up and...try to songs1. booty luv -boogie tonight2. 27 tv on the radio- wolf like me3.techno tuning 3 - wazup4. mission impossible ost5. spiderman soundtrack "black spider at the church"6. jesper kyd -slaughter house ch47. sokół, pono i franek kimono - w aucie8. nine inch nails -just like you imagined9 ... Tags: "Most Responded", Obama "obama approval rating", "obama birth certificate", "obama jokes", "obama peace prize", "obama nobel prize", "obama's health care plan", "obama speech", "obama nobel peace prize speech", "obama deception", Obama Lol Pc Rick Warfare Call Astley Bloopers Funny Of Wazup Speak Fun Duty Modern Team Rolled Cod Xd Movie
Video Title: (Meat Is Murder -being Vegetarian-) Video Duration: 0:54 From: 0venusasaboy0 Category: Film and Animation vegetarianism is the practice of following a plant-based diet including fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts, and seeds, with or without dairy products and eggs. a vegetarian does not eat meat, including red meat, game, poultry, fish, crustacea, and shellfish, and may also abstain from by-products of animal slaughter such as animal-derived rennet, found in some cheeses, and gelatin. vegetarians may consume these or other unfamiliar animal ingredients unknowingly, however. vegetarianism may be adopted for ethical, health, environmental, religious, political, cultural, aesthetic, economic, or other reasons, and there are a number of vegetarian diets. a lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs, an ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products, and an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products. a vegan diet excludes all animal products, such as dairy products, eggs, and usually honey. many vegans also seek to avoid using any other animal-derived products, such as clothing and cosmetics. semi-vegetarian diets consist largely of vegetarian foods, but may include fish or poultry, or other meats on an infrequent basis. a pescetarian diet, for example, includes fish but no meat. those with diets containing fish or poultry may define "meat" as mammalian flesh and may identify with vegetarianism. however, vegetarian groups such as the vegetarian society have stated that diets containing fish and poultry are not vegetarian, because bgt Tags: "Most Responded", Meat "meatloaf recipe", "meatballs", "meatball recipe", "meat", "meat boy", "meatus", "meat puppets", "meatloaf songs", "meat pie", Meat Is Murder The Smiths Veggie Veg Vegan Vegetarian Vegetarianism Be Being Stefano Stefanini Poshvenus Vegetariano Vegetarismo Veganesimo Vegano Cibo Ricetta Animal Rights Killing Kill Cow Pig Happy Sadly Animation Funny All My Friends Are Siouxsie Nina Hagen Vegetarish