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Video Title: (Hotel Pe Palace Germanías Ruzafa Valencia Entrevista Al Pte De La Cadena Higth Tech) Video Duration: 9:55 From: livingrussafavideos Category: People and Blogs con motivo de la inauguración sobre la exposición fotográfica de mikel alonso sobre la obra de agustín ibarrola entrevistamos al d. antonio fernández casado nos habló de la apuesta de hoteles humanos. high tech hthr según sus comentarios es una cadena de hoteles humanos, de dimensiones humanas. establecimientos con un número medio de 65 habitaciones, cuyos usuarios no son un simple número de habitación, sino personas con nombres y apellidos. high tech tiene como prioridad fundacional la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información a la operación hotelera. todos los hoteles cuentan en sus habitaciones con accesos gratuitos de alta velocidad a internetvía wi-fi y o cable paralelamente, hidro-duchas de última generación, bicicletas estáticas y galanes planchadores en sus habitaciones high tech, business center,etc. todos los hoteles high tech disponen de distintos tipos de habitaciones diseñadas especialmente con el objetivo de atender las demandas específicas de distintos tipos de clientes, gustos y necesidades: high tech, familias, show rooms, habitaciones habilitadas para personas de movilidad reducida. Tags: "Most Responded", Hotel "hotel california lyrics", "hotel du vin", "hotel montana haiti", "hotel chocolat", "hotels in london", "hotel deals", "hotel del coronado", "hotel reviews", "hotel rwanda", Hotel Pe Palace Germanias Hoteles Valencia Hotels Valencia Hoteles Ruzafa Hoteles High Tech
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Video Title: (Montreal Life Stories) Video Duration: 1:35 From: ConcordiaUni Category: Education concordia.ca life stories of montrealers displaced by war, genocide, and other human rights violations. armenia, the holocaust, rwanda, the khmer rouge regime or duvalier's dictatorship. all these events can seem far away, and yet, they are here and no the survivors of these events are our colleagues, our neighbours, our friends. their history is our history. since 2007, montreal life stories has been gathering the stories of those who have witnessed m violence and currently live in montreal. from these interviews, we have the opportunity to connect words with voices and voices with faces. we invite you to explore our three exhibition rooms to appreciate the work done by university and community project members. here, you will learn about our innovative methodology, our ethics and our values. moreover, this is a unique opportunity to listen to survivors telling their stories. discover the exciting aspects of new media and virtual networks for the dissemination of life stories. finally, take a seat to view the life stories represented through films, theatre and dance. come, listen, watch, understand and share Tags: "Top Favorites", Congress "congressional budget office", "congressional districts", "congress of vienna", "congressional research service", "congressional districts by zip code", "congressional record", "congress theater chicago", "congressional medal of honor", "congressional quarterly", Congress 2010 Concordia University War Genocide Human Rights Violation Exhibition Life Stories Film Theatre Dance