Video Title: (Ahmadinejad Of Iran Did Not Threaten To Wipe Israel Off The Map - Who Owns The Media) Video Duration: 1:55 From: youpolitics Category: Education ahmadinejad of iran did not threaten to wipe israel off the map - who owns the media - conflict of interest at every opportunity the very expensive biased private media tries to deceive us all it is the most effective brainwashing tool ever invented... it is being used to dumb us all down amp to ualise all our children by illuminati ie senior freemasonry lies amp deceit... read the definitive book on advertising by edward bernays the nephew of sigmund freud - "propaganda" bernays used his ociation with freud to establish his own reputation as a thinker and theorist—a reputation that was further enhanced when bernays authored several landmark texts of his own, most notably crystallizing public opinion 1923, propaganda 1928 and "the engineering of consent" in annals of the american academy of political and social science march 1947. "bernays was a press officer for woodrow wilson at the peace conferences in europe following world war i, his job being to present wilson in the most favourable light possible in order to boost his popularity with the american public. by this time the word propaganda was already gaining a sinister implication in the west due to its ociation with communism, and bernays coined the term public relations as a positive alternative. back in america bernays set to work for major corporations, with one of his most spectacular successes being to help break the taboo against women smoking. he paraded a group of attractive young ladies through bgt Tags: "Most Featured", Ahmadinejad "ahmadinejad speech", "ahmadinejad quotes", "ahmadinejad un", "ahmadinejad jewish", "ahmadinejad israel", "ahmadinejad height", "ahmadinejad new york", "ahmadinejad blog", "ahmadinejad wife", "", Ahmadinejad Of Iran Did Not Threaten To Wipe Israel Off The Map Who Owns Media
Video Title: (Are Europeans Really Politically Educated Nov 17 10) Video Duration: 2:17 From: citizenrebel Category: News and Politics i live in france. i know, why would i do that anyway, i was discussing international politics with a group of europeans who claimed that they were politically educated and that americans were not. it came down to this. every single one of them consumed corporate media in various forms. they listened to the radio in the morning before work. they read the newspaper regularly during the day and they watched television news at night before bedtime. they were all basing their political education on mainstream information and propaganda produced by the corporate and governmental sectors of their countries. they claimed that i was politically educated only because they agreed with most of my viewpoints. even the americans that i completely disagree with consume the same mainstream corporate news information and propaganda that the europeans do. they have the same habits of listening, reading, and watching m-produced information. the only difference is the source slant and geographical location ie, which channel, le, and frequency they prefer. i concluded the discussion by telling them that they were the european version of the american joe shmoe. they are not politically educated. they can merely parrot back their brand of rhetoric as digested during the spoon feeding times. check your tv guide for details. please visit the following sites for the transcript or other controversial material: citizenrebelconfesses.blogspot citizenrebelperforms.blogspot bgt Tags: "Most Linked", American "american express", "american eagle", "american apparel", "american girl", "american idol", "american express login", "american heart ociation", "american cancer society", "american pie", "", American Flag Victim Perpetrator Imperialism Genocide Religion Ideology War Citizen Rebel Politics Spoken Word Polemics Music Performance Art Poetry Poetry Slam Improvisation Rant Diatribe Negative Dialectics Whistle Blowing Balaclava Imperiocide Ngo Humanitarian Aid Work Development Sociology Economics Uality Criticism Provocative Gender Public Service Announcements Symbols
Video Title: (Abc News On No On Prop 16 - S30 Vs Pgampes S30 Million - David Vs Goliath) Video Duration: 2:56 From: NoOnProp16 Category: Entertainment 1 million strong against prop 16 with 1 millionth the budget of pgampe comment, share facebook: twitter: twitter more info: noonprop16.blogspot we decided to take one millionth the budget of pgampe's expensive, drab, one-way m-media distortion campaign, and create a cheap, hopefully humorous, person-to-person social media conversation, offering a real-person discussion that no corporation can fake. prop 16 two-thirds requirement for local public electricity providers act up for vote on june 8 2010 pgampe calls it the "taxpayers right to vote act" in their commercials was created by california's biggest utility company to trick voters into make a friggin' consutional amendment against communities forming their own power companies requiring a 2 majority just to use a city-purchased pencil to write a note about it share, discuss, argue... this is a discussion campaign, not the one-way blast pgampe is hitting you over the head with. "prop 16" "no on prop 16" "proposition 16" "no on proposition 16" "meg whitman" "steve poizner" monopoly "clean energy" "green energy" "free market" compeion california politics primary june 8th funnel cake mashup mash-up ben zolno Tags: "Most Responded", Prop "property guys", "property for sale", "propaganda", "property news", "propranolol", "propofol", "property to rent", "property search", "propecia", Prop 16 No On Prop 16 Proposition 16 No On Proposition 16 Meg Whitman Steve Poizner Monopoly Clean Energy Green Energy Free Market Compeion California Politics Primary June 8th Funnel Cake Ben Zolno News Abc Kgo Bay Area Conservative