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Video Title: (Africa) Video Duration: 22:22 From: TravelVideoStore Category: Travel and Events experience the primitive wilds and elegant luxuries of the "dark continent." join jenn brown on a private safari at the lake manyara and serengeti national parks. witness an exclusive hot air balloon ride over the serengeti. immerse yourself in the culture of the mai in kenya. explore the luxurious trappings and sample the exquisite cuisine of the arusha coffee lodge. follow in the footsteps of john wayne from his time filming hatari on the wayne family safari. all on beyond the list: africa. dive into the subculture that is "invite only," where celebrities and heavy hitters party, dine, and mingle behind the velvet rope, where only a recognized face or name on the list gains you entrance. "beyond the list" covers the hippest threads, cars, and gadgets, and what it takes to get through the guarded door and into the world's most exclusive lifestyles. Tags: "Top Favorites", Travel "travelodge", "travelzoo", "travel insurance", "travel", "travel channel", "travelex", "travel republic", "travel supermarket", "traveline", "", Travel Documentary Africa Bennett Media Worldwide Beyond The List 2009 Dvd Releases
Video Title: (Best Photos Of Phuket Thailand) Video Duration: 1:36 From: tripadvisorTRIPWOWf Category: Travel and Events tripwotripadvisor the best pictures of phuket taken by travel bloggers at travelpod the web's premier travel blogging platform. slideshow created at tripwocom by tripadvisor™. top pics of phuket 1. "liquid gold" by captfearless from a blog "moon to moon sailing" moon to moon a single handed sailing report of capt. fearless' adventures on the high seas my yacht moonflower mf , a cutter rigged bowman 47 was moored in darwin's beautiful cullen bay... 2. "unspoilt" by marshallmatters from a blog "phuket - and some 5 star living" aaaaannnnnnnd reeeelax....haaaaaaaaaaa oh my god this is living we could definitely get used to. we arrived at the airport and took a taxi to the flagship jw marriott and marriott beach... 3. "clouds" by quest from a blog "sin city in thailand" my 26 hour travel time ped relatively smoothly, no trouble with security, immigration, or carrying on my guitar. i finally landed in phuket nearly jumping out of my seat in excitement... 4. "sunset" by quest from a blog "sin city in thailand" my 26 hour travel time ped relatively smoothly, no trouble with security, immigration, or carrying on my guitar. i finally landed in phuket nearly jumping out of my seat in excitement... 5. "patong bay from hill" by kamsani from a blog "beach hopping" it was a sunny day, which was a perfect day to visit some of phuket's finest beaches. you are definitely spoiled for choice here. phuket has so many beaches to suit everybody's tastes. for... 6 ltbgt...lt bgt Tags: "Top Favorites", Liquid "liquidity", "liquidmetal", "liquidation", "liquid nitrogen", "liquidpedia", "liquid", "liquid latex", "liquidity trap", "liquid mountaineering", "", Liquid Gold Unspoilt Clouds Sunset Patong Bay From Hill Tri Trang Beach Wat Chalong 2 Sea Horse 1st Dive Site Koh Doc Mai The Postcard Shot Photos From Phuket Thailand Trip Slideshow Tripwow Tripadvisor Photography Vacation Slide Show
Video Title: (Espacio Niram - Despre Jurnalismul Cultural Cu George Roca) Video Duration: 6:28 From: defesesfinearts Category: Entertainment espacio niram - dezbatere jurnalismul cultural cu jurnalistul george roca din sydney. participa: héctor martínez revista madrid en marco, fabianni belemuski niram art, martín cid yareah magazine , alexandru nastase realitatea tv, bogdan ater si romeo niram artisti plastici. george roca este poet, scriitor, jurnalist, fondatorul a mai multe reviste culturale. locuieste de mulţi ani în sydney, australia. este redactor si colaborator la numeroase reviste culturale românesti din australia ... Tags: "Most Discussed", Espacio "espacio tiempo", "espacio geografico", "espacio en blanco", "espacio riesco", "espacio coruña", "espacio sideral translation", "espacio furniture", "espacio buenos aires", "espacio muestral", Espacio Niram George Roca Jurnalism Cultura Madrid Romeo Niram Héctor Martínez Bogdan Ater Poezie Poet
Video Title: (Romania Centru De Reeducare Pentru Tinerii Danezi Cu Probleme) Video Duration: 1:17 From: scandinavdk Category: News and Politics zece astfel de baieti, cu varste intre 17-21 de ani se afla in aceste zile in judetul mures, intr-o tabara de reeducare. in mijlocul padurii, supravegheati de autoritati daneze, acestia sunt ajutati sa conlucreze in echipa timp de o saptamana. cei care vor avea si rezultate bune, vor fi rasplai. acesti tineri danezi recunosc ca nu sunt mandri de trecutul lor. au comis multe infractiuni, dar sunt decisi sa-si schimbe viata. la bagaciu, cei zece traiesc ca intr-o mica tabara militara. sunt costumati, de altfel, ca soldatii si stau in corturi. au venit aici ca sa invete sa supravietuiasca in inima padurii, timp de o saptamana. vor face focul fara chibrituri si vor dormi pe unde vor apuca, in mijlocul naturii. organizatorii sunt siguri ca aceasta experienta ii va cali pe tineri, si, de asemenea, ii va ajuta sa inteleaga ce inseamna spiritul de echipa. alaturi de consulul danemarcei in romania, cei zece sunt insoi si de un asistent social, din tara lor natala. instructorul ii indruma cu atentie, la orice pas. programul a costat guvernul danez aproape 5000 de euro. tinerii care se vor adapta cel mai bine vor fi rasplai acasa, unde vor fi cazati gratuit, timp de cateva zile, la un hotel de lux din danemarca. Tags: "Most Linked", Danemarca "danemarca.ro", "danemarca wikipedia", "danemarca munca", "danemarca harta", "romani in danemarca", "clasament danemarca", "vremea in danemarca", "harta danemarca", "ambasada danemarca", Danemarca
Video Title: Yuras Faq An Introduction Video Duration: 2:00 From: xxxsugartitsxxx Category: Education yura is getting his own part in showtime called yura's faq.
special questions will be answered in this part of kra showtime.
questions can be submitted by making a comment, starting with: great yura, ...
the next episode of showtime will be coming soon.
i'm sorry for the small screen...i don't know why youtube does this d: Tags: "Most Recent", Kra "kraft canada", "kragen auto parts", "krav maga", "kral oyun", "kragen", "krampus", "krakatoa", "kraftwerk", "kraftmaid", Kra Yura Mai Fake Subs
Video Title: Blogcar 1 Presento Il Blog Video Duration: 8:04 From: Universale3000 Category: Film and Animation blog sta' a significare " relax " quindi non rompete se non sono serio ...anche se non lo sono mai stato xd directorzone.cyberlink video 53061 Tags: "Most Recent", Cyberlink "cyberlink youcam", "cyberlink powerdirector", "cyberlink power dvd", "cyberlink youcam free download", "cyberlink dvd suite", "cyberlink dvd", "cyberlink powerdirector torrent", "cyberlink power2go", "cyberlink powerdirector 8 deluxe torrent", "", Cyberlink Powerdirector
Video Title: Emission Gui 2003 Video Duration: 1:05 From: webmastergui Category: Entertainment vidéo que je viens de retrouver dans mes vieux cd.
voici ma tentative de faire une émission de style weblog mais avec le désavantage d,avoir une caméra qui n'enregistre pas le son et qui fait des séquences de 16 secondes maximum en 320 x 240 . alors j'ai utilisé le micro de mon ordinateur pour enregistrer ma voix puis j'ai fait le montage de l'audio du vidéo avec un logiciel... ouf, c'était ca mon équipement en 2003.
tournage et montage réalisé le 11 mai 2003 selon les propriétés du fichier... fait avec une caméra numérique olympus stylus 300. Tags: "Most Recent", Webmastergui "webmaster guild", "webmaster guidelines google", "webmaster guidelines seo", "", Webmastergui Emission 2003 Olympus Cybergui Cool Drole Jambon