Video Title: (Legado Andalusí - 03 El Califato De Córdoba 33) Video Duration: 8:53 From: RojoAndalu Category: Education esta es una serie de documentales realizada en 2002 por Ático siete, canna sur, 2m tv pública de marruecos, fundación el legado andalusí y la consejería de cultura de la junta de andalucía. en ella se muestra un viaje por la historia y la civilización hispanomusulmana, una cultura singular que hizo avanzar las ciencias, la técnica y las artes durante la edad media. la serie rastrea en españa y portugal, en los países árabes y en latinoamérica el legado que ha dejado al-andalus. esta compuesta por 4 dvd's que se dividen en 14 episodios: 01 el origen de al-andalus 02 el emirato de al-andalus 03 el califato omeya de cordoba 04 los reinos de taifa 05 los almohades 06 el emirato nazari 07 mudejares y moriscos 08 redescubriendo romantico de al-andalus 09 ciudades andalusies 10 castillos y fortalezas de al-andalus 11 el mudejar del islam al nuevo mundo 12 la agricultura y el agua 13 vida cotidiana de al-andalus 14 musica y poesía en al-andalus 03 el califato omeya de cordoba la proclamación del califato de córdoba en 929 abrió la etapa más gloriosa del poder islámico peninsular. al-andalus se convirtió en una gran potencia, llegando a dominar buena parte del magreb, gracias a su potente flota. como resultado de ello, las artes y las ciencias brillaron a gran altura, especialmente con los soberanos abderrahman iii y al-hákam ii . - this is a documentary made in 2002 by Ático siete bgt Tags: "Most Discussed", Andalucia "andalucia plaza", "andalucia map", "andalucia houston", "andalucian", "andalucia weather", "andalucia tv", "andalucia holidays", "andalucia guest house", "andalucia villas", "", Andalucia Andalusia Andalousie Spain Muslim Portugal Muslim Iberian Peninsula Islam Jew Christian Religion Al Andalus Andalusi Califato Caliphate Cordoba
Video Title: (You Want Freedom You Gonna Have To Kill Some Crackers New Black Panther Party Line ) Video Duration: 2:43 From: IranContraScumDid911 Category: News and Politics black panther support for obama's presidency was posted loudly and proudly on obama's website back in march 2008, and was posted at atlas here: obama endorsements: farrakhan check black panther party check bombmaking revolutionaries check blogs like atlas that shone the light on the ugly underbelly of obama's campaign of racebaiting and jew hating got the obama campaign to take the panther obama page down. further still, the black panthers were threatening voters at polling places on election day scroll down. "obama will stir the "melting pot" into a better "molten america". black panthers for obama hussein a terrorist threat to white people from a militant black "party". a day after obama gave the over-rated speech on bringing the country together, his campaign continues to leave an endorsement from the new black panther party up on his site. the new black panthers, who inherited their name from the black panther party of the 1960s, has a page on the obama campaign's public forums that says it is backing obama because he "represents 'positive change' for all of america. obama will stir the 'melting pot' into a better 'molten america,'" the group says. a real "new politics" group, the new black panthers are. some of their actual platform: we believe that since the white man has kept us deaf, dumb and blind, and used every "dirty trick" in the book to stand in the way of our freedom and independence, that we should be gainfully employed until such time we can bgt Tags: "Top Favorites", Black "blackra1n", "blackberry apps", "black eyed peas", "blackberry desktop manager", "blacks", "blackboard", "blackle", "black jokes", "blackpool pleasure beach", Black Panther Party Barack Hussain Obama Chicago South Side Corrupt Michele Valerie Jarrett Eric Holder Dhs Hutaree Investigation Criminal Justice Threats New Politics Militant Racist Race
Video Title: (Remembrance - The Sikh Story - Part 1 - World War 1 And 2) Video Duration: 15:01 From: RajKaregaKhalsanet Category: Education sikhee world war i also known as the first world war, great war or war of wars, abbreviated wwi was a military conflict centered on europe that began in the summer of 1914. the fighting ended in late 1918. this conflict involved all of the world's great powers, embled in two opposing alliances: the allies centred around the triple entente and the central powers.the indian army in fact outnumbered the british army at the beginning of the war. india under british rule contributed greatly to the british war effort by providing huge numbers of both men and resources. world war ii, or the second world war1 often abbreviated as wwii or ww2, was a global military conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, which involved most of the world's nations, including all of the great powers: eventually forming two opposing military alliances, the allies and the axis. it was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million military personnel mobilised. in a state of "total war," the major participants placed their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources. marked by significant events involving the m death of civilians, including the holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, it was the deadliest conflict in modern human history. the contribution made by sikh soldiers to both these wars cannot be underestimated. despite only being a bgt Tags: "Most Featured", World "world map", "world of warcraft", "worldstarhiphop", "worlds hardest game", "world market", "world series", "world news", "world bank", "world war 2", "", World War Ii Great Britain British France Nazi Germany Hitler Jew Jewish Holocaust New York Attack 911 Terror Terrorist 911 September 11 Ny Osama Bin Terrorism Hijack Usa Hate 9-11 Trade America Remembrance Ypres Ww1 Ww2 Wwi Wwii