Video Title: (I´m Hisjemi Love StoryespaÑol Cap 912) Video Duration: 0:17 From: jemiforever100 Category: People and Blogs joe-queria hablar contigo,puedo dem-ok,pero rapido joe-perdon por lo de antes,no pretendia que te enfadaras...ya sabes..lo de la cascada.. dem-eso ya sta olvidado,asi que mejor ni me lo recuerdes.. joe-sonrieya...te sabes el guion dem-un de esto de lo que querias hablarporque ya puedes ir llendote.. joe-eres preciosa lo sabes que tu digas..sabes..mejor me voy yo dentro..da unos pasos para entrar dentro joe-algo más.. dem-si.. joe-hemos comenzado con mal quisiera seguir caes bn y podriamos ser buenos amigos..que dices dem-le mira y se queda pensandook,esta bn..tu tanbien me puedes caer bn..aunque vas a tener que hacer un gran esfuerzo aunque no lo parezca..haveces soy muy dificil.. joe-sonrievienes dentro dem-si..sera lo habeces parece que estoy enfadada te lo tomes a mal vale joe-lo tendre en cuenta..entran willy-tenemos que hablar un poco..asi que sentaros.. dem-de que willy-vereis,mañana comenzaremos a rodar..así que esta noche nada de fistas..porfavor.mi,mañana maria cannas se encargara de ti..esta deseando conocere y los hermanitos de "oro"..cuidarme bn a la niña..que no se meta en lios.. dem-willy..puedo cuidarme sola ehno tengo 5 años.. kevin-confia en nosotros estara bn.. dem-porque dices todo esto..te vas willy-miley necesita mi ayuda..y tengo que volver a los angeles.. dem-que le ha pasado will-no,nada inportantemira a nicklo que pasa esque ultimamente..esta muy bgt Tags: "Most Responded", Jemi "jemina pearl", "jemima rooper", "jemistry", "jemina", "jemi break up", "jemicy school", "jemima goldsmith", "jemile weeks", "jemima j", "", Jemi
Video Title: (A Jonas Brothers Story- A Little Bit Longer Chapter 10) Video Duration: 0:51 From: LittlePrincess18197 Category: Entertainment i decided to write the next chapter for this story too. hope you'll like it. ---------------------------------------------- °after breakfast° n: guys we must get ready for our show k: chill nick. we have still watched at the clock 10 minutes left.. n: yeah see. 10 minutes and you're standing here in your boxershort with an old shirt and joe is still in the bathroom k: oh.. i gotta get dressed. went in his room got dressed j: went to nick i'm ready k: went to nick amp joe i'm ready too the whole jonas family plus caity went to the stadium where the concert took place k,n,j: gave the concert °after concert° °backstage° n: guys..i..i don't feel good.. k: what's wrong n: i don't kno. k: we should tell mom and dad n: no they'll took me to a doctor.. j: but that will be better, nick.. n: no i hate doctors j: calm down, nick. tell us what's wrong.. n: i feel dizzy.. k: how's your blood sugar n: i don't kno. k: then check it n: okay, okay..chill.. checked his blood sugar j: and how it is n: a little bit lo. 68.. j: gave him some applejuice drink that n: drank j: how do you feel now n: a bit better.. k: let's go back to the bus..there you can chill and then we'll see if you can give the next concert this evening n: okay.. the jonas' and caity went back to the bus. n: went to his bunk slept °30 minutes before the concert° k: woke nick up do you want to do the show n: yes.. k: okay. then get dressed n: got dressed went to the others i bgt Tags: "Most Discussed", Jonas "jonas", "jonas la", "jonas salk", "jonas episodes", "jonas brothers tour", "jonas brothers lyrics", "jonas brothers songs", "jonas armstrong", "jonas bergstrom", Jonas Brothers Love Family Diabetes Hypoglycaemia
Video Title: (Contest Entry For Babyboyarmstrong) Video Duration: 4:07 From: jessicabfly1 Category: Howto and Style my celebrity inspired look for babyboyarmstrongs contest: i chose jennifer lopez because she is beautiful and still down to earth.... honestly my plan was for this video to be way better usually outgoing n love the camera but there was so much distraction in the backround this timekids.lolthe quality of the video is not too good kuz i used my laptop instead of my camera which is why i covered the sound with music.hopefully il get a chance to redo it if not im sorry if this is boring but i hope u enjoy anyway mac paint pot abestlife matte pallette hard candy mudslide mascara abestlife gel eyeliner mac makeup brushes song:waiting for tonight by j.lo Tags: "Most Discussed",