

Showing posts sorted by date for query Religion And Science. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Religion And Science. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sharecash Survey In Byp Sharecash Surveys

Sharecash Survey In Byp Sharecash Surveys

Video Title: (Sharecash Survey In Byp Sharecash Surveys)
Video Duration: 0:35
From: r0cknroll63
Howto and Style
never do another sharecash survey again download here: note when you get to the page just wait 5 seconds then click the link on the top left. ignore: activism, advertising, alcohol, alternative-news, ancient-history, animals, animation, anime, architecture, arts, astronomy, atheist, bizarre, blogs, books, buddhism, business, cars, cartoons, cats, celebrities, christianity, clic-rock, clothing, comedy-movies, comics, computer-graphics, computer-hardware, computers, cooking, crafts, crime, cyberculture, dogs, drawing, drugs, ecommerce, environment, fashion, fine-arts, firefox, geography, graphic-design, guitar, guns, ing, health, history, humor, illusions, interior-design, internet, internet-tools, iraq, liberal-politics, liberties, linguistics, linux, literature, mac-os, mathematics, movies, multimedia, music, nature, network-security, news, online-games, open-source, painting, philosophy, photography, physics, poetry, politics, programming, psychology, quizzes, relationships, religion, satire, science, science-fiction, self-improvement, shopping, software, space-exploration, stumblers, stumbleupon, tattoos, travel, tv, video, video-games
Tags: "Top Favorites", Sharcash "sharecash byp", "sharecash auto download", "sharecash premium account", "sharecash download", "sharecash ", "sharecash survey killer", "sharecash account", "sharecash scam", "sharecash byper", "", Sharcash Survey In Byp Surveys
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Does God Exist Dr Nathans Opening Statement - 2 Of 4

Does God Exist  Dr  Nathans Opening Statement - 2 Of 4

Video Title: (Does God Exist Dr Nathans Opening Statement - 2 Of 4 )
Video Duration: 23:34
From: MuslimByChoice
does god exist what evidence supports the existence of god representing the muslim perspective was hamza andreas tzortzis, brother hamza is an international public speaker on islam. he is a writer with articles, essays and commentaries on political philosophy, the philosophy of religion and society. hamza is an intellectual activist actively engaging on issues pertaining to religion, social cohesion and politics. hamza is also a researcher with a recent publication on non-muslim perceptions on islam and muslims. hamza regularly participates in debates and symposiums with leading intellectuals, public speakers and academics on topics concerning western and islamic philosophy, politics and current affairs. for example he participated in a debate with the president of american atheists, dr. ed buckner on "islam or atheism", he also debated the editor of the philosophy now magazine rick lewis, enled god: delusion or truth and he participated in a debate with the best selling author, philosophy lecturer and chair of the british humanist ociation's philosophers group peter cave on can we live better lives without religion more recently hamza debated the highly acclaimed professor, simon blackburn, who is one of the leading atheist and humanist academics in the world. the debate was held in the historic cambridge university debating chambers. hamza regularly appears in the media explaining and demystifying islam and providing unique perspectives on current affairs. he bgt
Tags: "Most Discussed", God "god", "godsmack", "god of war", "godiva", "godzilla", "godaddy email", "godfather", "godtube", "god of war 3", "", God Morals Morality Allah Islam Religion Science Adam Deen Humanism Atheist Theist Humanist Richard Dawkins Debate Atheism Lecture Ethics Quran Ethical Koran Quran Muslim Biology Terrorism Holocaust Nazi Hitchens Logic Philip Nathan Hamza Andreas Tzortzis
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Deism Reasoned Belief In A Creator Mpeg

Deism Reasoned Belief In A Creator Mpeg

Video Title: (Deism Reasoned Belief In A Creator Mpeg)
Video Duration: 3:01
From: DeistDreamer
i wonder if all, or most, deist arrive at deism simply through the exercise of reason. some do, but most, like myself, migrate from christianity to deism, from a church based belief in god to a non churched belief in god. i read somewhere that around 25 of the population believe in a god but not prophets, priests, holy books, revelations etc. etc. etc. if true there are proably about as many deists as protestants and we are growing some of those may go to church out of old habits but really no longer believe most of what their churches teach. i believe in one god and zero priests, preachers, churches, holy books, prophets and other wannabe god owners. i think i live in a created and awesome universe that science and tge power of reason can help me understand more deeply. i think life is a gift and it was expected and part of some plan far greater than myself. human consciousness was a goal not a product of chance. deism is a big tent religion. deism: check it out. music from village tales.
Tags: "Most Discussed", Deism "deismo", "deism founding fathers", "deism quotes", "deism vs theism", "deisme", "deismus", "deism theism", "deism defined", "deism dictionary", "", Deism Deists Freethinkers Skeptics Churches Fundamentalists Dogmatic Universe Creation Creationism Agnosticism Atheism Religion Doctrine Philosophical Theism Rational Reasoned Reasonable
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Les Héros De Lislam - Salman Al Farisi - 34

Les Héros De Lislam - Salman Al Farisi - 34

Video Title: (Les Héros De Lislam - Salman Al Farisi - 34)
Video Duration: 5:55
From: AbouHabibb
Film and Animation
as salamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh, réseau social facebook : facebook "les héros de l'islam" est une nouvelle série qui retrace la vie des compagnons du prophète 'alayhi salat wa salam et qui a pour but d'informer les musulmans sur nos véritables héros. la cible première de cette série est la jeunesse francophone, d'ou le style improvisé et accéssible des vidéos. nous rappelons que nous ne possédons aucune science, et que nous voulons simplement faire per un message. qu'allah jalla wa 'ala nous accorde la sincérité, et qu'il nous pardonne les erreurs que nous pourrons commettre. amine wa salamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh
Tags: "Top Rated", Les "les miserables", "lespac", "les mills", "lesson plans", "lesean mccoy", "lesotho", "lesportsac", "lesco", "lesson plan template", "", Les Héros Islam Compagnon Prophete Francais Religion Histoire Salman Farisi Sahaba
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Szabad Akarat I

Szabad Akarat I

Video Title: (Szabad Akarat I )
Video Duration: 14:19
From: Teozofia
a teozófiai társulat hármas célja: 1. megalkotni az emberiség egyetemes testvériségének egyik magvát nemzetiségi, vallási, társadalmi osztálybeli, nemi és faji megkulonboztetés nélkul. 2. támogatni a vallások, bolcseletek és tudományok osszehasonlító tanulmányozását. 3. kutatni a természet még fel nem ismert torvényeit és az emberben rejlő erőket. the theosophical society in america is a branch of a world fellowship and membership organization dedicated to promoting the unity of humanity and encouraging the study of religion, philosophy and science so that we may better understand ourselves and our relationships within this multidimensional universe. the society stands for complete freedom of individual search and belief.
Tags: "Top Rated", Teozófia "", Teozófia Theosophy
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Re Atheism Is A Religion Dont Be Fooled

Re Atheism Is A Religion Dont Be Fooled

Video Title: (Re Atheism Is A Religion Dont Be Fooled)
Video Duration: 15:23
From: dookiecheez
People and Blogs
i saw this guys video a while ago, there was so much wrong with it i decided to make a video response but i doubt he accepts video responses. we'll see. nonstampcollector's video youtube etymology of christianity i cited jstor atheism: lacking a belief in a god or god's. religion: a set of beliefs about the origin and purpose of the universe, often containing a god or gods. the court case i cited now another court case would be this: "peloza v. capistrano school district in this case, a science teacher argued that, by requiring him to teach evolution, his school district was forcing him to teach the "religion" of secular humanism. "we reject this claim because neither the supreme court, nor this circuit, has ever held that evolutionism or secular humanism are 'religions' for establishment clause purposes." the court's statement in torcaso does not stand for the proposition that humanism, no matter in what form and no matter how practiced, amounts to a religion under the first amendment. the court offered no test for determining what system of beliefs qualified as a "religion" under the first amendment. the most one may read into the torcaso footnote is the idea that a particular non-theistic group calling itself the "fellowship of humanity" qualified as a religious organization under california la"" merriam webster's a : the state of a religious b 1 : the service and worship of god or the supernatural 2 : commitment or devotion to religious faith bgt
Tags: "Most Featured", Atheist "atheist quotes", "atheist experience", "atheist band", "atheist jokes", "atheist definition", "atheist vs agnostic", "atheist nexus", "atheist blog", "atheist forums", "", Atheist Theist Theism Christianity God Secular Humanism Evolution Religion Science Abiogenesis Evidence Proof Test Demonstrable Rationality Irrationality Reason Logic Doubt Claim Misconception Ignorance Ignorant Dishonest Honest Tactic Debate Argument Belief Faith
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I Believe Campaign

I Believe Campaign

Video Title: (I Believe Campaign)
Video Duration: 0:30
From: MicBookPro
Nonprofits and Activism
the "i believe" video campaign is help show that you can have a belief in science and or gods and still show or respect to others. if you would like to join please make video response saying what you have a greater believe in religion or science. comments always welcome.
Tags: "Most Featured", I "imdb", "itunes", "inception", "ipad", "iphone 4", "irctc", "itv", "iphone", "isohunt", "", I Believe Campaign
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Alors Quils Tirent Sur Les Musulmans Pour Le Plaisir En Afghanistan Et En Irak

Alors Quils Tirent Sur Les Musulmans Pour Le Plaisir En Afghanistan Et En Irak

Video Title: (Alors Quils Tirent Sur Les Musulmans Pour Le Plaisir En Afghanistan Et En Irak)
Video Duration: 2:58
From: invitationalaverite
News and Politics
harun yahya alors qu'ils tirent sur les musulmans pour le plaisir en afghanistan et en irak, ce serait une grave responsabilité de ne pas utiliser les moyens pour empêcher cela extrait de l'interview d'adnan oktar en direct sur kahramanmaras aksutv,le 27 septembre 2010 site web harun yahya---------------------- : harunyahya harun yahya tv---------------------------- : l'auteur une vie consacrée à la foi----- : harunyahya livres intégralité des textes en ligne-- : harunyahya vidÉos vidéos gratuites en ligne------ : harunyahya vidÉos courtes vidéos gratuites en ligne : harunyahya articles sciences et religion------ : harunyahya websites---------------------------------- : harunyahya presentations----------------------------- : harunyahya extraits interviews avec harun yahya------ : harunyahya
Tags: "Top Favorites", Harun "haruna ai", "haruna yabuki", "haruna lukman", "harun din", "harun farocki", "haruno sakura", "harun al-rashid", "haruna ono", "harun", "", Harun Yahya Adnan Oktar Alors Quils Tirent Sur Les Musulmans Pour Le Plaisir En Afghanistan Et Irak Islam Musulman Allah Coran Dieu Religion Foi Bible Jésus Turquie Créationnisme Est Augmentation Darwin Leffondrement Signes Science Athéisme Matérialisme Terrorisme Terroriste Interviews Défaite Big Bang Hazrat Mahdi Isa Union Islamique Turque Amour Tolérence Compion Juif Chrétien Israel Atlas De La Creation Francs-macons Dajjal
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The Alex Jones Show Live - September 22nd 2010 - Part 12 Of 12

The Alex Jones Show Live - September 22nd 2010 - Part 12 Of 12

Video Title: (The Alex Jones Show Live - September 22nd 2010 - Part 12 Of 12)
Video Duration: 14:57
From: john34545
alex welcomes to the show gary e. johnson, businessman, triathlete, and libertarian politician who served as the 29th governor of the us state of new mexico from 1995 to 2003. johnson is the chairman of a political advocacy organization, the our america initiative. he believes that the consution should be interpreted according to its original meaning and that a proper balance needs to be restored between the different branches of government. he supports the rights of states. johnson has also been the subject of media speculation as a possible candidate for president in the 2012 election. alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.
Tags: "Most Featured", Economic "economics", "economic calendar", "economic growth", "economic news", "economic development", "economic indicators", "economic value added", "economic profit", "economic collapse", "", Economic News Talk Annaysis Tough Guy Documentary Finance Conspiracy South Asian Space Live Music Middle East Ufo Arabic Economy Speech Discussion Conspiracy Theory Video Log Politics Environment Communism Hot Topics Vlog Warfare Commentary Protests Religion Science Rap Football Spirituality Government Talking Arabic Television Television Series Urdu Interviews
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Burn A Quran Day On 911

Burn A Quran Day On 911

Video Title: (Burn A Quran Day On 911)
Video Duration: 1:43
From: NeverForgetGaza
alandislam.tripod the muslims played a principal role in the history of spain. their presence illuminated the iberian peninsula while the rest of europe was engulfed in darkness. and so, andalusia produced a great civilization far ahead and advanced than the rest of europe. under their rule, muslims made spain a center for learning and knowledge. the muslims were taught reading, writing, math, arabic, qur'an, and hadith sayings of the prophet muhammad pbuh, and became leaders in math, science, medicine, astronomy, navigation, etc. al-andalus became renowned for its prosperity as people who quested for knowledge journeyed from afar to learn in its universities under the feet of the muslims. as a result, andalus gave rise to a great many intellectual giants. muslim spain produced philosophers, physicians, scientists, judges, artists, and the like. ibn rushd, averroes ibn sina, avicenna ibn zuhr, avenzoar, al-kwarizmi, algorizm and al-razi, razes to name a few, were all muslims educated in andalus. 14 martin luther, the founder of protestantism, was also educated in andalusia. it is from the andalusian philosophers, ibn rushd, and ibn sina that great renowned christian men like st. thomas aquinas borrowed their philosophies. both st. thomas aquinas and dante called ibn rushd or "averroes" the "the commentator" and incorporated the views of muslims. through the works of aristotle, ibn rushd reconciled reason with religion. however, aquinas attempted to refute bgt
Tags: "Most Responded",
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Globalist Fantasy

Globalist Fantasy

Video Title: (Globalist Fantasy)
Video Duration: 3:52
From: kimchiman1000
here come the marxists, one two three it's much more than mere fantasy we love the power - and we love to play god yes, we're taking over- there's no way out yeah ooh yeah here come the fascists 1 by 1 we lust for power yeah it's all we want ain't no global warming, it's a colossal fraud it's our new religion now no science allowed it's all part of our globalist fantasy yeah it's all part of our socialist dream yeah yeah - ahhhhh ahhhhh it's all part of our globalist strategy - yeah it's all part of our great marxist scheme yeeeaaaaah the georgia guidestones tell it all we're gonna getcha - yeah you're gonna fall we work in darkness - and we hate the light hail the new world order - orwell had it right it's all part of our globalist fantasy it's all part of our socialist dream oh yeah it's all part of our global conspiracy it's all part of our nightmarish dream - yeah global tyranny yeah yeah yeah yeah global tyranny yeah yeah yeah yeah lyrics by al roy tune from rock n' roll fantasy bad company okay, so you probably have a headache now, after listening to my bad singing. sorry, not much i can do about it. so there's no need to write a comment about how badly i 'sing' i already kno if you are someone who can sing, and you want to take my lyrics and record them yourself, please feel free to do so. i only request that you send me a link to the video.
Tags: "Top Rated", New "new look", "new york times", "new iphone", "newegg", "newgrounds", "new movies", "new songs", "new york", "new york post", New World Order One Government Georgia Guidestones Guide Stones Nwo United Nations Globalism Globalist Socialism Fascism Fascist Socialist Communist Communism Fabian Fabianism Marxist Marxism Obama Bilderbergers Cfr Illuminati George Orwell Eric Blair Orwel Orwellian Police State Martial Law
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Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle - How Can We Prepare For First Contact

Galactic Federation Of Light  Sheldan Nidle - How Can We Prepare For First Contact

Video Title: (Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle - How Can We Prepare For First Contact)
Video Duration: 1:25
From: MajorWLennox
Nonprofits and Activism
sheldan nidle - spokesman of the galactic federation of light - question and answers - in this series sheldan nidle explains how we can prepare ourselves for first contact. paoweb sheldan nidle biography: sheldan nidle was born in new york city on nov. 11, 1946, and grew up in buffalo, new york. his first extraterrestrial and ufo experiences began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as accompanying manifestations - light-form communications, extraterrestrial visitations, and teaching learning sessions on board spacecraft. during most of his life, he has enjoyed ongoing telepathic communications and direct 'core knowledge' inserts etheric and physical implants. sheldan has visually observed and physically experienced spacecraft throughout the years. around the age of fourteen, sheldan requested that the sirians and their galactic federation of light allies discontinue communications with him because he was experiencing overwhelming conflict between their scientific knowledge and what he was learning here on earth. they left, but the sirians and their galactic federation of light allies told him that they would be back when it was time to complete his mission for planet earth and her people. in high school, he was placed in advanced science programs in subject areas such as physics, chemistry, and calculus. sheldan received an ma in political science from the university at buffalo in bgt
Tags: "Top Favorites", Galactic "galactic empire state of mind", "galactica", "galactic civilizations 2", "galactic civilizations", "galactic federation of light", "galactic alignment", "galacticos", "galactic pizza", "galactic federation", Galactic Federation Of Light Ufo Disclosure Et Barack Obama First Contact Galacticnews999 Nasa Komurosan Bp Gulf Mexico Oil Spill Whitehouse Aliens Sheldan Nidle 2012 Truth Religion
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Michael Tsarion The Destruction Of Atlantis 4 Of 12

Michael Tsarion The Destruction Of Atlantis 4 Of 12

Video Title: (Michael Tsarion The Destruction Of Atlantis 4 Of 12)
Video Duration: 10:00
From: TruthControl2
this is a presentation of michael tsarion called "the destruction of atlantis - was atlantis a center of advanced civilization". the quality of the video is not so good, but the information and images are so rich with knowledge and wisdom he will soon be featured on the scifi channel this summer in 2006. soon you can order a new collection of his work on dvd 60 hours long: originsandoracles read his excellent book: atlantis, alien visitation and genetic manipulation. step out of the matrix and examine tsarion's research deep into man's history. asking questions that your religion does not want to discuss, and finding answers that science cannot explain. you purchase a copy of this book at his website:taroscopes
Tags: "Top Favorites", Atlantis "atlantis dubai", "atlantis reno", "atlantis bahamas all inclusive", "atlantis the lost city", "", "atlantis cruises", "atlantis the lost empire", "atlantis marine world", "atlantis hotel melbourne", Atlantis Destruction Michael Tsarion Mythology Genetics Dna Serpent People Reptilians Truth Harrp Moon Artifitial Shield Barrier Earth Hollow Dna Manipulation Giants Control Ds Fifa 2010 Highlights World Cup Champions Snake Ancient Knowledge Blood
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Michael Tsarion The Destruction Of Atlantis 3 Of 12

Michael Tsarion The Destruction Of Atlantis 3 Of 12

Video Title: (Michael Tsarion The Destruction Of Atlantis 3 Of 12)
Video Duration: 10:00
From: TruthControl2
this is a presentation of michael tsarion called "the destruction of atlantis - was atlantis a center of advanced civilization". the quality of the video is not so good, but the information and images are so rich with knowledge and wisdom he will soon be featured on the scifi channel this summer in 2006. soon you can order a new collection of his work on dvd 60 hours long: originsandoracles read his excellent book: atlantis, alien visitation and genetic manipulation. step out of the matrix and examine tsarion's research deep into man's history. asking questions that your religion does not want to discuss, and finding answers that science cannot explain. you purchase a copy of this book at his website:taroscopes
Tags: "Most Featured", Atlantis "atlantis dubai", "atlantis reno", "atlantis bahamas all inclusive", "atlantis the lost city", "", "atlantis cruises", "atlantis the lost empire", "atlantis marine world", "atlantis hotel melbourne", Atlantis Destruction Michael Tsarion Mythology Genetics Dna Serpent People Reptilians Truth Harrp Moon Artifitial Shield Barrier Earth Hollow Dna Manipulation Giants Control Ds Fifa 2010 Highlights World Cup Champions Snake Ancient Knowledge Blood
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Richard Dawkins - The Enemies Of Reason 9-10

Richard Dawkins - The Enemies Of Reason 9-10

Video Title: Richard Dawkins - The Enemies Of Reason 9-10
Video Duration: 9:51
From: bowman2061
the enemies of reason is a two-part television documentary, written and presented by evolutionary biologist richard dawkins. from the makers: part 1 1-5 part 2 6-10 is it rational that the dead can communicate with the living and give sound advice on how they should live their lives what about sticking pins into your body to free the flow of chi energy and cure your illness or the bending of spoons using your mind alone is that rational richard dawkins doesn't think so, and feels it is his duty to expose those areas of belief that exist without scientific proof, yet manage to hold the nation under their spell. he will take on the world's leading proponents in their field of expertise, meet the victims who have used them and expose the history of the movements from the charlatans who have milked these practices to the experiments and testing that have failed to produce conclusive results.
Tags: "Most Recent", Enemies "enemies quotes", "enemies", "enemies a love story oscar nominee", "enemies of reason", "enemies a love story", "enemies of the people", "enemies among us trailer", "enemies list", "enemies at the gate", Enemies Reason Documentary Evolution Biology Richard Dawkins Science Knowledge Proof Religion Atheism Disbelief Supersion Mumbo Jumbo Hokus Fraud Ocultism Stupidity Abuse Exploitation
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How The Universe Is Created According To Islam Amp Science The Divine Book Pt 8

How The Universe Is Created According To Islam Amp Science The Divine Book Pt 8

Video Title: (How The Universe Is Created According To Islam Amp Science The Divine Book Pt 8)
Video Duration: 10:00
From: SuperShia786
Science and Technology
discover how our universe is created according to islam and science science proves islam note: this video is not to offend any of my non-muslim brothers but instead its just to guide them please give commnets thank you
Tags: "Most Featured", Science "science", "science museum", "sciencedirect", "science news", "science daily", "science projects", "science games", "science experiments", "science museum of minnesota", Science Religion Documentary
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Dawkins Nonsensical Religion 33 Mirror Farsi Subles

Dawkins Nonsensical Religion 33 Mirror Farsi Subles

Video Title: (Dawkins Nonsensical Religion 33 Mirror Farsi Subles)
Video Duration: 9:51
From: StopSpamming1
mirrored from bikhodayi a ted speech by richard dawkins feb 2002 in monterey california on science and religion, delivered in his inimitable style. with farsi subles.
Tags: "Top Favorites", Richard "richard gere", "richard branson", "richard nixon", "richard simmons", "richard pryor", "richard hammond", "richard armitage", "richard feynman", "richard alpert", Richard Dawkins Science Evolution Religion Creation Atheism Atheist Theist
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Dawkins Nonsensical Religion 13 Mirror Farsi Subles

Dawkins Nonsensical Religion 13 Mirror Farsi Subles

Video Title: (Dawkins Nonsensical Religion 13 Mirror Farsi Subles)
Video Duration: 9:44
From: StopSpamming1
mirrored from bikhodayi a ted speech by richard dawkins feb 2002 in monterey california on science and religion, delivered in his inimitable style. with farsi subles.
Tags: "Most Discussed", Richard "richard gere", "richard branson", "richard nixon", "richard simmons", "richard pryor", "richard hammond", "richard armitage", "richard feynman", "richard alpert", Richard Dawkins Science Evolution Religion Creation Atheism Atheist Theist
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Dawkins Nonsensical Religion 23 Mirror Farsi Subles

Dawkins Nonsensical Religion 23 Mirror Farsi Subles

Video Title: (Dawkins Nonsensical Religion 23 Mirror Farsi Subles)
Video Duration: 9:52
From: StopSpamming1
mirrored from bikhodayi a ted speech by richard dawkins feb 2002 in monterey california on science and religion, delivered in his inimitable style. with farsi subles.
Tags: "Top Rated", Richard "richard gere", "richard branson", "richard nixon", "richard simmons", "richard pryor", "richard hammond", "richard armitage", "richard feynman", "richard alpert", Richard Dawkins Science Evolution Religion Creation Atheism Atheist Theist
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The Quantum Metaphysical- By Maylor The Budgie

The Quantum Metaphysical- By Maylor The Budgie

Video Title: (The Quantum Metaphysical- By Maylor The Budgie)
Video Duration: 2:26
From: RyanRey2000
Science and Technology
if you have followed victor's videos and now maylor's recordings you must realize by now there have been some very incredible things happening. some of them are apparitions, electronic voice phenomena and prophecy. at times it is so incredible it is hard to believe. in this recording maylor begins to explain what is taking place. maylor said: maylor says: hear this warning. we're not stopping this. do you know that little budgies dream like you the theories of sigmund freud are evolving with us. his spirit has to cross the river. now let's give everyone time to travel. the life of a budgie can resurrect something. we're about to evolve. this gathering will seek knowledge. it shows you spiritually why we need a spiritual cleansing of love herenot clear i want to keep a path of logic it will be a good story as long as the source here works for god. does he try in front of a whole bunch of people i'll speak a lot of how we have begun to know things from the quantum metaphysical and prophecy it's kind of like scifi next summer. where it's been good we'll see it's filled with prophecies that manage the time approaching. we must seek knowledge. do you read me you have an observer. now this budgie of ryan, he will confirm with a vision or dream. nobody will take a risk when i'm right. this budgie knows. whatever i claim here will follo my mentor ios reaching far and teaching with love. can we pray here join this project of prophecies. we hold the next gathering with some bgt
Tags: "Top Rated", Quantum "quantum of solace", "quantum apocalypse", "quantum leap", "quantum theory", "quantum computing", "quantum numbers", "quantum entanglement", "quantum meruit", "quantum dots", Quantum Physics The Quantum Metaphysical Sigmunf Frued Theories Maylor The Budgie Religion And Science
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