Video Title: (Turtles)
Video Duration: 0:50
From: LollypopFarmVideos
Category: Pets and Animals
lollypop farm has turtles available for adoption. turtles are fun to watch they swim and bask in the warm light and even like to run around a room a bit. turtles should have deep enough water to allow swimming, along with a place to get out of the water. turtles make beautiful, fascinating, and enjoyable pets. the first step is to research the species and the care required by each. for more information about lollypop farm's turtles, please visit the shelter in fairport. get more information at lollypop. lollypop farm humane society of greater rochester 99 victor road fairport, ny 14450 585 223-1330 credit: video hound productions
Tags: "Top Rated", Lollypop "lollypop", "lollipops", "lollipop holidays", "lollipop lyrics", "lollipop song", "lollipop lane", "lollypop playland", "lollipop sticks", "lollypop photography", "", Lollypop Farm Adopt Rochester Humane Society Red-eared Slider Turtle
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