Video Title: (Tag-100 Truths)
Video Duration: 13:27
From: Lukiechrmz
Category: People and Blogs
hey guys and gals here a tag for ya. i tag everyone to do it have fun. twitter tanishalynne i got this tag from abby what was your: 1. last beverage 2. last phone call 3. last text message 4. last song you listened to 5. last time you cried have you ever: 6. dated someone twice 7. been cheated on 8. kissed someone amp regretted it 9. lost someone special 10. been depressed 11. been drunk and threw up list three favorite colors: 12. insert colour here 13. insert another colour here 14. insert another colour here this year have you: 2010 15. made a new friend 16. fallen out of love 18. met someone who changed you 19. found out who your true friends were 20. found out someone was talking about you 21. kissed anyone on your fb friend's list general: 22. how many people on your fb friends list do you know in real life 24. do you have any pets 25. do you want to change your name 26. what did you do for your last birthday 27. what time did you wake up today 28. what were you doing last night 29. name something you cannot wait for 30. last time you saw your mother 31. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life 32. what are you listening to right now 33. have you ever talked to a person named tom 34. what's getting on your nerves right now 35. most visited webpage 37. nicknames 38. relationship status 39. zodiac sign 40. male or female 41. elementary 42. middle school 43. high school 44. hair color 45. long or short 46. height 47. do you ltbgt...lt bgt
Tags: "Most Featured", 100truth100truth Tag Tanishalynne Lukiechrmz
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