Video Title: (Mars Weather 2010 11 01 - 2010 11 07)
Video Duration: 1:24
From: djxatlanta
Category: Science and Technology
lifted dust continued to sweep across the northern plains and over the north polar cap on mars this past week. some dust made its way further south into acidalia as well. local dust storm activity also occurred along the seasonal southern polar cap edge, with more prominent storms developing in promethei and sirenum. scattered water ice clouds were observed across the northern plains, over arsia mons, and along the seasonal south polar cap edge. the mer-b opportunity rover saw scattered water ice cloud cover throughout the week, while skies over the mer-a spirit rover remained relatively clear. credit: nasa jpl-caltech malin space science systems source: msss
Tags: "Most Linked", Mars "mars", "marshawn lynch", "marsh", "marshall university", "mars hill church", "marshall mathers", "mars volta", "marshall plan", "marshall amps", "", Mars Mars Weather Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
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