Video Title: (Magnet Motor Magnet Capture Energy Test New Tech)
Video Duration: 3:06
From: glennjgd
Category: Science and Technology
this test uses a toroid made of 1 16 inch steel laminations to form a perfect circular toroid. knowing that: a magnet whose field interacts with iron or steel etc 'charges' the iron with magnets. polarizes is another word. if a coil of wire is placed around the charged iron, as soon as the magnet leaves the irons vicinity of attraction, the magnets having been immediately polarized inside the iron, 'run away' from each other. if a coil of wire is placed in the right spot to catch the magnets, you get current etc. if you can charge the iron with no drag, say by having the magnet charge the iron just by spinning parallel to the iron, as inside a toroid, then efficiency is greatly enhanced, no heating, etc etc. this test had to be done at this particular stage before i tear it up to move ahead just to prove that: a coil does cause drag even axially influenced, and more importantly, a toroid pumps magnets into iron cores and coils as predicted, with only a magnet twirling on its own axis. plus this helps me to visualize the fields. being spun with very low power and tiny motor helps me also see what kind of drag is experienced. site is at perpetual motion holder dot com. now, on to bigger things. thanks: a new discovery in free energy the lt magnet motor get the blueprints at: llt-magnet-motor
Tags: "Most Responded", AmpquotmagnetAmpquotmagnet Motorampquot Ampquotalex Jonesampquot Overunity Ampquotperpetual Motionampquot Electricity Power Build Tesla Ampquotwater Carampquot Ampquotbrian De Palmaampquot
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