Video Title: (Lost In Translation The Onion Abroad)
Video Duration: 3:27
From: ForaTv
Category: News and Politics
complete video at: fora.tv onion editor baratunde thurston lists examples from the satirical news website that have resonated with audiences outside the us while some of the gags sparked meaningful discussion on issues overlooked by traditional media, occasionally the humor has been lost in translation. comedy and politics have gone together for a long time, and in this age, political comedy is everywhere. we have reached a point where instead of just mocking the news, the comedian jon stewart was ranked as america's most trusted news source by participants in a time magazine online poll. how does comedy influence politics do jokes about politicians create their image, or just reflect what people already believe does political comedy lead people to be more critical of politicians or just more cynical join us for this conversation about the influence of comedy on politics. this event will feature the gregory brothers, from youtube and barely political fame for their auto-tune the news videos baratunde, the web editor of the onion and co-founder of the blog jack and jill politics dan powell from comedy central's show "ugly americans" and steve almond, author of my life in heavy metal and rock and roll will save your life. sponsored by the graduate program in international affairs. - the new school baratunde thurston is a comedian, author and vigilante pundit. he was nominated for the bill hicks award for thought provoking comedy, declared a champion of the first ltbgt...lt bgt
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