Video Title: (Console War Wii Ps3 Move Xbox Kinect)
Video Duration: 4:27
From: KillerRaptorr
Category: People and Blogs
it's been proven time after time before. and everyone knows whos already better and has been since. nintendo and no i'm not just saying this cause i got a wii. i'm telling everyone that nintendo has made games cause their a gaming company for everyone. their goal hasn't chanced since beyond nes. sony is a company building as much tech computer or whatever crap they can shove into something. microsoft,lets face it their better off keeping their crap in there own computers instead of a console. cause they have 000000000 ideas to do for a console,then they do for a computer. ps3 move and xbox360 kinect is not ne their old tech tracking from video webcams thats been made since computers have had webcams. it's crap. and we surely know by now that sony on ps3 is ripping people off on money. 300s 500s come on. xbox for crying out loud doesn't even have any hard updates to their console nor a portable system like sony's psp computer box or nintendos gaming ds. and it's been over 10years since xbox came out really so surely we aren't gonna see any likely upgrades to xbox for kinect.
Tags: "Most Linked", WebcamWebcam Video Killerraptorr Console War Ps3 Ps2 Ps1 Ps Psp Move Xbox360 Xbox 360 Kinect Fail Worthless Worth Wii Wiimote Mote Nunchuk Wireless Microsoft Sony Nintendo Who Wins Win What Is Better Get Brain
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