Video Title: (Acquittals Hurt White House 911 Trial Plans)
Video Duration: 2:38
From: NewsyVideos
Category: News and Politics
transcript by newsy ahmed ghailani is the first guantanamo bay detainee to be tried in a civilian court and the verdict is in. ghalani was acquitted of all but one of 285 charges surrounding the 1998 terror attacks on us embies in kenya and tanzania, that killed 224 people. ghalani faces a minimum of 20 years in prison. now the obama administration is in the hot seat, as critics claim its push to try terror suspects in federal courts, rather than military courts, is folly. former federal prosecutor michael wilde debates the issue on al jazeera. wilde "this person should've been tried in a military combatant tribunal. he committed an act of war, and right now, availed himself with the very liberties and bill of rights that were meant for citizens and people of this country who respect la" al jazeera: "but it doesn't work like that, the military commissions are grossly inefficient, they have no legitimacy and they have to usually give very short sentences because of that lack of legitimacy in proving war crimes have been committed instead of terrorism." wilde: "your qualification of military tribunal is an editorial and not factual. the truth is a military tribunal is exactly where this gentleman should've been prosecuted." so, why a military versus civilian court hln notes one key difference - the restrictions surrounding the presentation of evidence. the federal courts' tight regulations prohibited prosecutors from calling one key witness to the stand ltbgt...lt bgt
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