Video Title: (Jojo Baby Trailer)
Video Duration: 2:30
From: omnidecay
Category: Film and Animation
"jojo baby" is a feature length pion project produced by one of today's most creative visionaries, clive barker. the goal of this film is to celebrate the magical world that is created by jojo every single day... who is jojo baby some call him a 'party animal,' others call him a 'shaman,' some mention 'freak' and yet others speak of 'sheer brilliance.' whatever the label, one thing is known for sure: that his story must be told. as filmmakers we tried to stay out of the way as much as possible and let jojo narrate us through his amazing life. from his remarkably life-like dolls to the extremely lavish costumes he creates from scratch, this film will immerse you in a world like no other that of jojo baby. www,jojobabyfilm facebook
Tags: "Most Discussed", Jojo "jojo maman bebe", "jojoba oil", "jojoba", "jojo lyrics", "jojo's fashion show", "jojo designs", "jojo mayer", "jojo songs", "jojo twitter", "", Jojo Baby Jojo Chicago Art Film Reeling Film Festival Clive Barker Documentary
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