Video Title: (Shnk Avi)
Video Duration: 2:13
From: OreAkaiTenshi
Category: People and Blogs
fame is a bad virtue because it is a pursuit of betterment or power over others a career pion is different. the term whore is often attributed to anyone who has gotten much attention, while in fact, whores are the best advertisers it's shown statistically through your celebrity trends, the commercials you watch, and even the cast for video news reports. however, whores consist of more than just good looks. essentially, anyone who knows the laws of attraction and utilizes them precisely, can be considered a whore, because whores were able to innovate ways to attract attention to themselves. if you understand that the goal of fame is to use one's manipulative tools to attract more attention, you can use that power in either promoting terrible practices, or you can use them to support the right causes: it's a shame that money buys power in this society. who wants to be a president when you can be a billionaire and enjoy life to its fullest potential why does somebody even become a president ...because they care. nobody reveres a non-caring god. our president is a wise man, but president obama can't be a tool anymore. he is a man who understands empathy very well, and that man needs to be running this country right no president obama, where art thou "do the right thing" that's what we've always lived by: that is what liberty stands for. "what the hell happened"" yeah, so you have to use it too. but stop killing shit. "okay, i'm here stop taking shit" acceptance ltbgt...lt bgt
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