Video Title: (The City Season 2 Episode 12 Hd)
Video Duration: 5:02
From: edgarmcgowan4
Category: People and Blogs
bit.ly airdate: 13 july 2010 episode summary: olivia interviews her friend rather than covering whitney's line for the magazine roxy goes out with zach. s2 e12 three two s2x12 s2e12 season 2 episode 12 2-12 trailer part promo latest new last premiere hd hq online watch tv show full link available s2 12 se2 ep12 tv series sho whitney has no time to rest after her first big fashion show, when kelly pushes her to market her line. olivia however, refuses to support whitney eve at elle magazine. ep 202 2012 204 201 205 206 207. this season on "the city", whitney, roxy, olivia and erin will learn that in new york city, climbing your way to the top means doing it alongside both friends and enemies. first up is creating a new line for the new season, and learning from kelly cutrone how to promote herself and her brand. she's still got roxy in her corner, and roxy owes her, both for a place to crash and the job at people's revolution.
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