Video Title: (Urgent - Gulf Oil Spill Causing Toxic Rain Killing Crops)
Video Duration: 2:25
From: celtickev999
Category: Nonprofits and Activism
toxic oil spill rains warned could destroy north america corexit 9500 molecules will be able to "phase transition" from their present liquid to a gaseous state allowing them to be absorbed into clouds and allowing their release as "toxic rain" upon all of eastern north america contaminating water amp food supply etc... excerpt: a dire report prepared for president medvedev by russia's ministry of natural resources is warning today that the british petroleum bp oil and gas leak in the gulf of mexico is about to become the worst environmental catastrophe in all of human history threatening the entire eastern half of the north american continent with "total destruction". russian scientists are basing their apocalyptic destruction essment due to bp's use of millions of gallons of the chemical dispersal agent known as corexit 9500 which is being pumped directly into the leak of this wellhead over a mile under the gulf of mexico waters and designed, this report says, to keep hidden from the american public the full, and tragic, extent of this leak that is now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day. scientists warn gulf of mexico sea floor fractured "beyond repair" scientists warn gulf of mexico sea floor fractured "beyond repair" by: sorcha faal, and as reported to her western subscribers a dire report circulating in the kremlin today that was prepared for prime minister putin by anatoly sagalevich of russia's shirshov insute of oceanology warns that the gulf of ltbgt...lt bgt
Tags: "Top Rated", Bp "bp oil spill", "bput", "bpi", "bpp", "bpa", "bpiexpressonline", "bput results", "bp oil spill 2010", "bph", Bp Ceo Oil Spill Toxic Rain Acid Chemicals Crops Volcano Coast Guard Fema State Officials Clean Up Volcanic Tsunamai Gulf Of Mexico Bill Ryan Dr Deagle Project Camelot Avalon Disaster Catastrophe Deepwater Horizon Fire Wildlife New Orleans Blackout Explosion Methane Benzyne Hurricaine Gusher Tsunami Ocean Floor Giant Gas Bubble To Fox News Cnn Abc Bbc Sky Obama Clegg Cameron Eu Alex Jones World Cup Africa 2010
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