Video Title: (Trade Binder Update 61609)
Video Duration: 6:29
From: xXTeamImpactXx
Category: Entertainment
pm us your offers. dont forget to subscribe. wants ss money ss x hobby league cards especially gadgets x electronics ipod touch, ipad etc x battle fader x xx-saber faultroll x xx-saber emmersblade x xx-saber darksoul x dd crow ultimate only x infernity launcher x infernity mirage x infernity barrier x blackwing - breeze the zephyr x cards for black feathers x test tiger ultimate only x gladiator beast heraklinos secret, or ultimate only x gladiator beast bestiari super only x gladiator beast retiari x gladiator beast samnite super only x doomcalibur knight x elemental hero prisma x dark grepher x infernity archfiend x dark armed dragon secret or gold x judgment dragon secret or ultimate x morphing jar tp2 x lumina, lightsworn summoner super only x book of moon super only x threatening roar super only x bottomless trap hole super or gold x icarus attack super only x gravekeepers spy super only x gold sarcophagus x mirror force x lightning vortex ultimate only x brain control ultimate only x brionac, dragon of the ice barrier x goyo guardian ultimate or duel terminal
Tags: "Most Responded", Yugioh "yugioh card maker", "yugioh wikia", "yugioh online game", "yugioh cards", "yugioh abridged", "yugioh 5ds", "yugioh card list", "yugioh games", "yugioh gx", Yugioh Yu-gi-oh Infernoblaze Xinfernoblazex Mstrizzy09 Team Impact Teamimpact Xxteamimpactxx Trade Binder Update June 2010
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