Video Title: (Twins Baseball Stadium Graphics Pre-game Spot)
Video Duration: 0:31
From: joerusso3d
Category: Film and Animation
3 weeks before the opening game and we need an animation that not only brands pixel farm but shows the relationship between pixel farm and the twins. can we do it yes and we did, and this is what is the result from those 3 weeks of quick milestone turnarounds, little exercise, and a lot of consumption of chinese food. this plays 40 minutes before the game starts, on the big screen. so if you go to a twins game, look out for it enjoy pixel farm credits director kurt angell producers bill kruse paul sadeghi design animation amanda nelson cg modeling texturing amanda nelson joe russo fx animation rich haesemeyer eric schulist joe russo lighting rendering amanda nelson joe russo compositing amanda nelson eric schulist joe russo end-tag animation amp fx kurt angel chad retrum eric schulist music sound design mix ken chastain
Tags: "Most Linked", 3d "3d games", "3d gles", "3d warehouse", "3d movies", "3d television", "3ds max", "3d", "3d images", "3dmark", 3d 3ds Max After Effects Baseball Black Minneapolis Minnesota Nuke Orange Pixel Farm Rooster Twins
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