Video Title: (Race The Power Of An Illusion Clip 2 Mov)
Video Duration: 6:11
From: californianewsreel
Category: Nonprofits and Activism
episode 2- the story we tell uncovers the roots of the race concept in north america, the 19th century science that legitimated it, and how it came to be held so fiercely in the western imagination. the episode is an eye-opening tale of how race served to rationalize, even justify, american social inequalities as "natural." to read more or purchse the documentary, visit: newsreel
Tags: "Most Linked", Race "race car games", "race to the top", "race", "race to witch mountain", "race for the cure", "racer x", "racetab", "race cars for sale", "race junk", Race African-american History African American History American History 19th Century Race Theory Us History Racial Inequality Documentary California Newsreel
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