Video Title: (The Chronicles Of Narnia - The Lionthe Witch And The Wardrobe - Trailer 2005)
Video Duration: 2:08
From: FunkyAxl11
Category: Film and Animation
the film begins with the 1940 bombing of finchley, london, during the blitz. the pevensie children, peter, susan, edmund and lucy, are in direct danger from the falling bombs. the children are evacuated to the country home of professor digory kirke. one day while they are playing hide and seek, lucy discovers a wardrobe and enters a wintry fantasy world called narnia. she spends a few hours in the home of the faun, mr. tumnus, who explains that the white witch cursed narnia, and it has been winter for one hundred years. in accordance with her orders, if a human is ever encountered, a narnian must bring them to her. however, tumnus likes lucy and can't bring himself to kidnap her so he sends her home. when she returns, hardly any time has ped in the normal world, and when the other children check the wardrobe, all they see is a normal wooden back - the portal is gone.... i don't own the rights
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