Video Title: (Inayat Khan Sakuntala Before Shiva Musical Illustrations Video 2 Of 3)
Video Duration: 8:00
From: PSearPianist
Category: Music
video 1 1-sword dance sacred dance of the warriors 2-a priest offers a sacrifice to shiva 3-maidens bring flowers to the god the song of the dawn 4-the flowergirls' prayer 5-shepherds' dance 6-sakuntala's lament. video 2 this video 7-sakuntala's dance with a dagger 8-shiva sings the melody of the yogis the prayer of the yogis 9-shiva's mercy to sakuntala 10-sakuntala thanks shiva with a dance tandow 11-shiva meditates 12-the king marries sakuntala. video 3 13-the people sing the praise of shiva 14-liberation song 15-dances ballet 16-the dance of life. inayat khan 1882-1927 was a founder of the international sufi movement, but his first role on leaving india in 1910 was that of a touring musician. he spent the winter of 1913-4 in moscow and while there created some musical illustrations with other indian musicians for a sketch based on the sanskrit play abhijñānaśākuntalam the recognition of sakuntala written some 2000 years ago by kālidāsa. the music was played on indian instruments, but two russian musicians, sergius tolstoy and vladimir pohl, transcribed the music for piano, and published it under the le '16 hindoo songs and dances'. the arrangements have been heavily westernised, and as such sound scarcely more exotic than some works of borodin, rimsky-korsakov, and stravinsky. nevertheless, inayat khan was ltbgt...lt bgt
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