Video Title: (Happy Earth Day Plastic Fish Recycle 227 Channel )
Video Duration: 2:16
From: ChannelFrederator
Category: Film and Animation
in honor of earth day, we're celebrating by showing a short lil' animation on recycling called "plastic fish". it comes from san fransisco studio naissance and was directed by lexie findarle, with animation by nick trivundza. also: this week's environmentally, green question: what are you doing to save the earth leave us a comment below or a voicemail animator's site: naissance.tv submit your cartoons channelfrederator twitter: twitter superfan carl's twitter: twitter facebook: facebook voicemail: 888-414-8148
Tags: "Top Rated", Recycling "recycling centers", "recycling bins", "recycling for kids", "recycling symbols", "recycling plastic", "recycling games", "recycling statistics", "recycling paper", "recycling batteries", Recycling Gogreen Environment Plasticfish Green Recycle Naissance Nicktrivundza Lexiefindarle Ytearthday Channelfrederator
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