Video Title: (Best Tea Party Speech Ever Eric The Bulldog Deters Part 2 Mp4)
Video Duration: 8:02
From: cmyreelz
Category: People and Blogs
the best "tea party" speech ever.....eric "the bulldog" deters april 15th, 2010..."tax day" at goebel park...covington kentucky. keynote speaker, eric "the bulldog" deters...voted "best lawyer in the tri-state" by the people of greater cincinnati....city beat magazine readers...recently on the cover of cincinnati magazine for special edition led: "most interesting people in the tristate" eric "the bulldog" deters... lawyer...known throughout the midwest as the "courtroom bulldog" broadcaster on cincinnati's 1 radio station 700wlw, mixed martial artist... challenges police officers to cage matches... has participated in a cage match against police. published author 3 books avid historian...gives a speech at the northern kentucky tea party that leaves both barrels smoking licensed to practice law in kentucky, ohio and florida...but can practice la... anywhere in the country... via special permission from state and federal court...can and will...fight for you 859.363.1900, ericericdeters, ericdeters , bulldogspost, 700wlcom blog: eric deters
Tags: "Most Responded", Tea "teamviewer download", "tea party", "tea party movement", "teagames", "teamspeak", "teachertube", "teach for america", "team fortress 2", "teachers tv", Tea Party Part 02
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