Video Title: (V158a- Tt Tipsytalk 2020tag Powderpink Part I)
Video Duration: 8:27
Category: People and Blogs
tagged by powderpink u betta be glad i got love for you 'cause this was work this is 'bout the longest tag ever 1. what is your astrological sign 2. what colors did you wear today 3. name a silly thing you do when no one is watching 4. what is your biggest pet peeve 5. name a culture that intrigues you and why 6. what did you eat for dinner last night 7. if you could travel back in time, what year would you visit and why 8. do you like to dance 9. do you collect anything if so, what 10. what is your idea of a good meal 11. if you could be invisible, where would you go, what would you do, and what would you want to see 12. do you believe in past lives, if so, any thoughts on yours 13. what do you get complimented on the most 14. if you could walk in the shoes of one person for a day whose shoes would you chose and why 15. do you know how to cook, if so, what is your best thing to make 16. what is your biggest concern about aging 17. what were you like in high school 18. do you have any hidden talents pg rated talents lol 19. do you generally feel understood 20. name the person whose opinion matter the most to you
Tags: "Top Rated", TipsytalkTipsytalk 420 Tt Tipsy Talk Drinking Alcohol Booze 2020 20 Questions Powderpink Tag Video Part
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