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Walk Amp Talk In The Snomov

Walk Amp Talk In The Snomov

Video Title: (Walk Amp Talk In The Snomov)
Video Duration: 6:20
From: wwwmatejase
Category: People and Blogs random talk about pole shift, safe places, learning how to hunt, lots of scientific information is pointing to a poleshift either magnetc and or physical. so costal areas and lowlands are better avoided, because tidal waves will travel the planet. if planet x does exist and is going to p earth, earths magnetic poles will move. there will be asteroids hitting and electric grid will go down. a magnetic pole shif is apparenty due since some time and has been a returning event ...
Tags: "Most Responded", Planet "planets", "planet 51", "planet hollywood las vegas", "planet x", "planet earth", "planet rock", "planet racer", "planet of the apes", "planet rugby", Planet X Safe Places Tidal Waves Coronal M Ejection Magnetic Pole Shift Climate Change Pole Shift Underground Bases

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