Video Title: (Tramvaj T3 Streetcar T3 Wmv) Video Duration: 7:06 From: OstravaCzechRepublic Category: Autos and Vehicles for a production four-axle trams t3 in 1962 to 1989 he was made a respectable number of these vehicles - almost 14 thousand. it is also represented the most frequent type of trams in the streets of ostrava. the first 20 "of the trios' were delivered to ostrava in the autumn of 1965. priority manufacturer ckd tatra smíchov cars t3 production was for export to the soviet union. because the supply for the domestic market accounted for only a small portion of production was shipped to transport enterprises export modified version labeled t3sucs. in ostrava were delivered since 1982. during its service vehicles have undergone numerous modifications and modernizations, from minor adjustments through the exchange of electrical equipment to the complete rebuilding of a new type of tram. transport firm uses t3 tram with several types of electrical equipment: the initial resistance control, with tv8 weapons, armament and alstom europulse tv progress. za dobu výroby čtyřnápravových tramvají typu t3 v letech 1962 až 1989 byl vyroben úctyhodný počet těchto vozů téměř 14 tisíc. je to také nejpočetněji zastoupený typ tramvaje v ostravských ulicích. prvních 20 "té trojek" bylo do ostravy dodáno na podzim roku 1965. prioritou výrobce Čkd tatra smíchov byla výroba vozů t3 pro export do sovětského svazu. protože dodávky pro tuzemský trh představovaly jen malou část výroby byly dopravním podnikům dodávány upravené exportní verze označené t3sucs. do ostravy byly dodávány od roku 1982. za bgt Tags: "Top Rated", Tram "trampoline", "tramp stamp", "tramacet", "tramp", "trampled by turtles", "tramadol side effects", "tram", "trampoline game", "tramlines", "", Tram T3 Ostrava