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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query American Tribal Style. Sort by date Show all posts

Barajagala At Relay For Life 22

Barajagala At Relay For Life 22

Video Title: (Barajagala At Relay For Life 22)
Video Duration: 2:47
From: SohamHamsah
barajagala tribal belly dance performing at relay for life on saturday, may 22, 2010. barajagala is an american tribal style belly dance troupe based in west chester, pa. for more information about cles, workshops and upcoming events please visit btribalbellydance the chester county relay for life is a 24 hour fundraiser event for the american cancer society. the event begins at 10:00 am on saturday, may 22nd and runs until 10:00 am, the next day, sunday, may 23rd. for more information, please go to relayforlife pacc.
Tags: "Most Responded", Relay "relay for life 2010", "relay", "relayhealth", "relay for life fundraising ideas", "relay access denied", "relay for life canada", "relay for life team names", "relayforlife", "relay operation", Relay For Life American Cancer Society Chester County Belly Dance American Tribal Style Tribal Ats Irene Reinke Tribal Belly Dance Dance
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