

Chistin Baila AsÍ

Chistin Baila AsÍ

Video Title: Chistin Baila AsÍ
Video Duration: 0:41
una muestra de lo q mi valedor el "chistin" puede hacer...
Tags: "Most Recent", Chistin "christina ricci", "christina aguilera", "christina applegate", "christina milian", "christine", "christine feehan", "christine bleakley", "christine nesbitt", "christine taylor", Chistin
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Stop-motion Animation Test

Stop-motion Animation Test

Video Title: (Stop-motion Animation Test)
Video Duration: 0:45
From: Rodders1992
Film and Animation
a short video of my first quick stop-motion animation.
Tags: "Most Discussed", Carter "carter jonas", "carter lumber", "carter jenkins", "carters coupons", "carters country", "carter g woodson", "carters coupons printable", "carteret community college", "carter center", Carter Media Styles Stop Motion Animation Rhodri South Wales Editing Filming Special Fx Graphics Design
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Video Title: (Umm)
Video Duration: 0:37
From: o7jimmy
Pets and Animals
inspiring animation revski
Tags: "Top Favorites", Cats "cats protection", "cats 101", "cats the musical", "cats for sale", "catsa", "cat's cradle", "cats in the cradle lyrics", "cats and dogs", "cats in the cradle", Cats Cat River Outdoors Animation Brook Sound Fish Autumn
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Finding Bo Caraton Part1 - Directors Cut

Finding Bo Caraton Part1 - Directors Cut

Video Title: (Finding Bo Caraton Part1 - Directors Cut)
Video Duration: 10:01
From: nappychef35
part 1. don't miss the part 2, to learn the secret of bo caraton. rogue advisor bo caraton plays a high stakes game of cat and mouse with edoa m. powell with hilarious results. episode iv epilogue: shane harris presented his idea to target international cash pay students to kaplan senior leadership. executive management loved the idea, that an under served market capable of paying cash resolved a le iv cash financial aid ratio for the university. two years later mark powell and ed siska completed the aquisition of the university of phoenix and now serve on the board of trustees. jeffrey winston was promoted to executive director for the school of criminal jusiice and homeland security headquarters in kaplan dubai. one month later shane harris was promoted to ociate directors of information technology. he is now being groomed for corporate by ed siska. mark and valerie are actively consiering his promotion to director or he screwed this thing up and now works for ritz camera in boca. no animals were harmed during the taping of this production. these events are totally fictional, so nobody should get all huffy... but should think twice before requiring orlando to make a concession video.. .....rotflmao :- written, produced and directed by shane harris aka nappychef35 productions cast introducing: quay hu - bo caraton aka boca raton shane harris - exit interviewer ron nettles - we found him jeanine mills mack geana - advisor daniella - the voice of reason mark bgt
Tags: "Most Featured", Boca-winsBoca-wins
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Video Title: Mãe
Video Duration: 0:29
From: Lilianecosta87
People and Blogs

Tags: "Most Recent", Mãe "mae de deus", "mãe de dourado", "mãe preta", "mae do dourado", "mãe d'agua", "mãe de fiuk", "mãe dinah", "mãe dourado", "mãe te amo", Mãe
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Video Title: (Vilaian)
Video Duration: 1:25
From: darkfalconxz77
Film and Animation
animation i made using paint and moviemaker
Tags: "Most Linked", VilaianVilaian
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Cool Claymation

Cool Claymation

Video Title: (Cool Claymation)
Video Duration: 0:14
From: paulkarnafel
People and Blogs
just a weird claymation lego animation with my hand using the force in it.
Tags: "Most Discussed", Cool "coolmath4kids", "coolmath", "cool games", "cool text", "cooltoad", "cool math games bloxorz", "cool quotes", "cool runnings", "cooliris", Cool Claymation
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Ozzy Amp Marwin

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Omar Al Sharif Showreel 0910

Omar Al Sharif Showreel 0910

Video Title: (Omar Al Sharif Showreel 0910)
Video Duration: 1:24
From: yupyupomz
Film and Animation
my animation showreel 09 10
Tags: "Most Featured", 3d "3d games", "3d gles", "3d warehouse", "3d movies", "3d television", "3ds max", "3d", "3d images", "3dmark", 3d Animation 3d Animation Showreel Character Animation Animation Showreel
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Design Of Modern V8 Combustion Engine

Design Of Modern V8 Combustion Engine

Video Title: (Design Of Modern V8 Combustion Engine)
Video Duration: 2:47
From: sakalik86
Autos and Vehicles
design v8 engine from two bikes engines kawasaki zx12r. this concept was created in brno university of technology - faculty of mechanical engineering.
Tags: "Most Linked", Design "design sponge", "designer handbags", "designer clothes", "designers guild", "design patterns", "design museum", "designer wedding dresses", "designer dresses", "designer shoes", Design V8 Engine Modern Kawasaki Zx12r Motorcycle Vut Brno
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