Video Title: (Jts Amp Zm-human Impact On The Environment Ap Bio) Video Duration: 4:22 From: tylerseawell Category: Science and Technology script: tyler: do you really want to live in a world like this of chaos and utter disaster since the birth of mankind, man has had a negative impact on the environment and has become the main contributors to the degradation of the environment. and with this grim glimpse of the future, the earth has decided to take revenge. humans are greedy by nature and this is evident in how we treat the earth and its environment. we clear luscious green forests for our personal benefit using the trees or charcoal gained from this process as fuel or as a commodity, while the land itself is used for livestock, plantations, and settlements. our greed has led us into a dependence of oil that when lazily handled leads to devastating effects on the environment, marine life, and our own populations. toxic spills from dumping sites and obsolete dams pollute rivers, kill aquatic life and pose serious threats to human health. chemical pollution is dangerous both to people and other elements of the environment. although we here, at prestige worldwide, promote alternative energies like wind and solar, we specialize in public awareness. making the public more conscious of these issues and educating them about their effects will make them more likely to hold their representatives responsible for ping the appropriate legislations. we can have a better world if the public knows what they're voting for because knowledge is power. the recent oil spill off the gulf coast is a good example of public bgt Tags: "Top Rated", Amy "amy bishop", "amy winehouse", "amy macdonald", "amy fisher", "amyloidosis", "amygdala", "amy lee", "amy butler", "amy williams", Amy Bradley Ap Biology Video Project
Video Title: (Atak Policji 28 05 10) Video Duration: 1:33 From: rofererek Category: News and Politics film ukazuje moment w, którym policjant użył bez podstawie siły wobec rowerzysty, który zatrzymał się do kontroli. gdy poproszono go o dane rowerzysta odmówił. został dwukrotnie szarpnięty, raz powalony na ziemię. nie stawiał żadnego oporu. resztę widać na powyższy filmiku. moment ,w którym rowerzyści zebrali się pod komendą na ul. lipowej youtube jestem autorem tego filmu i zezwalam na rozpowszechnianie go po sieci. niech wszyscy widzą jak się traktuje porządnych obywateli Tags: "Top Rated", BezprawieBezprawie Policji Białystok
Video Title: (Peter Heathfield - A Working Cl Hero) Video Duration: 4:07 From: solidaritet2010 Category: Nonprofits and Activism peter heathfield 2nd march 1929 4th may 2010 it is with deep regret that we note the death of former national union of mineworkers general secretary peter heathfield who ped away after a long illness on 4th may 2010. peter was a close ally of arthur scargill who along with mick mcgahey formed the heart of the leadership of the num during the miners' strike of 1984 85. like arthur, peter was vilified and slandered by the bourgeois media. roy greenslade, while editor of the daily mirror which was responsible for accusations of 'financial irregularity', was later to offer a public apology to both scargill and heathfield claiming he had been 'misled'. but the disgraceful role of the media was not forgotten or forgiven. peter said: "i never imagined i would have to face the kind of pressure that i experienced during the year-long strike, but the animosity and vilification that has emerged in large sections of the media during the past four months has been pretty overpowering." in the guardian obituary for peter it was noted that "it became obvious that there had been a deliberate attempt to vilify both num leaders" and "very possibly with some secret political involvement in a bid to finally discredit and destroy the union leadership." despite distasteful pressure put on peter by sections of the media later in his life to turn against his old comrades he adamantly refused to do so, regardless of the substantial amounts of money that was purportedly offered. peter and bgt Tags: "Top Favorites", Peter "peter andre", "peter graves", "peter gabriel", "peters of kensington", "peter pan", "peter pan bus", "peter alexander", "peter jackson", "peter jones", Peter Heathfield Working Cl Hero Num Slp
Video Title: (Original Epcot Presents The Epcot Progress City Model Construction) Video Duration: 0:56 From: TheOriginalEpcot Category: People and Blogs the carousel of progress was one of walt disney's attractions developped for the new york's world fair in 1963-64. guests stayed in their seats as an outer ring of six theaters moved around a fixed, circular section. while guests were entering into one theater and exiting from another, guests in the other four theaters were watching the tireless audio-animatronic actors in the four acts of the show depicting the evoluation of the science and technology in our lifes through the eyes of the same family.when the fair ended, walt disney had a perfect attraction to export to disneyland. walt disney died in december 1966. he never saw the july 1967 re-opening of the attraction this time at disneyland. in disneyland, the show concluded with a fifth act, featuring the detailed model of what was known as progress city. this city was the preview of walt's vision for epcot. extremly detailed, the model features all of the major key elements of his project: - the radial design - the urban center and its towering hotel - the green belt - the industrial park - the monorails and peoplemovers. more information on the-original-epcot Tags: "Top Favorites", Wdw "wdwinfo", "wdwmagic", "wdw dining", "wdw tickets", "wdw marathon", "wdw today", "wdw radio", "wdw college program", "wdwig", Wdw Epcot Original Model Construction