Video Title: Super Mario 64 - Non-tas Compeion Task11 264 Video Duration: 0:33 From: nirakiakane Category: Gaming i'm satisfactory in this run.
task 11:
enter tall tall mountain. collect the ring of coins near the start of the level near the orange box, and get the star "mysterious mountainside". you have to collect at least 1 red coin, and kill 1 bob-omb.
due date: sunday, march 14th. Tags: "Most Recent", Sm64 "sm64 rom", "sm64 gameshark codes", "sm64ds cheats", "sm64ds waluigi", "sm64 cheats", "sm64ds glitches", "sm64ds walkthrough", "sm64ds", "sm64 walkthrough", Sm64 Non-tas Compeion