Video Title: (Pink Pets) Video Duration: 3:05 From: 4Dancingtrolls Category: Pets and Animals the guys all brag about their new favorite color the guys chance, loki, ringo, cotter, and courage favorite color enjoy the crazy music and pink pictures of my pets i don't like editing any of my pictures but once and a while i will use my photo programs just to mess around and be creative in this case, i went through every picture and increase the red and pink colors of the photo Tags: "Top Favorites", Dog "dogs", "dog names", "dog breeds", "dogs trust", "dog days are over lyrics", "dogma", "dogs for sale", "dog whisperer", "dog the bounty hunter", "", Dog Cat Ferret Cats Dogs Ferrets Pink 4dancingtrolls
Video Title: (Milton Dog Walking - Bruiser 29092010) Video Duration: 1:16 From: dogwalkingmilton Category: Pets and Animals today bruiser enjoyed beautiful weather on his walk with his favorite dog walking service in milton. he took a slitely different walking rout on his milton neighborhood and had a chance to enjoy some new sites and smells. he spent his walk checking on his messages and leaving some more of his own for other dog's to discover. though he did not play with treas or chase leaves today his steps were bouncy and he was just happy walking around and being a good dog. he enjoyed some yummy treats and pets from his dog walker. bruiser was tired and very relaxed after his walk and he was happy to get home to see his mom. Tags: "Most Responded", Dog "dog names", "dogs", "dog breeds", "dogs trust", "dogma", "dogs for sale", "dog games", "dog the bounty hunter", "dog whisperer", "", Dog Walking Walker Services Milton Dogs Dog Walking Dog Walking Services Dog Walkers Dog Walking Milton Dog Walker
Video Title: (Dog Uses Device To Communicate With Humans) Video Duration: 3:08 From: samuelmanaseh Category: Pets and Animals people-with-pets-are-happier dog uses device to communicate with humans. a university professor has trained a dog to express it thoughts and desires using an augmentative communication device, used by children with speech difficulty. this video was copied and translated off the globo repórter tv show, produced by globo tv of brazil. you are cordially invited to visit andsubscribe to the people-with-pets-are-happier mailing list. chinchilla lovers and pet owners seeking information on chinchilla cages may also be interested in our new site chinchilla-cage other info the music clip at the end of the video is from everette harp's "when i think of you". everette harp music purchase information: everette harpjazz player:poster people-with-pets-are-happier everette harpjazz player:"when i think of you" people-with-pets-are-happier everette harpjazz player:99 cents mp3 downloads and other albums people-with-pets-are-happier Tags: "Top Rated", Dog "dog names", "dogs", "dog breeds", "dogs trust", "dogma", "dogs for sale", "dog games", "dog the bounty hunter", "dog whisperer", "", Dog Uses Device To Communicate With Humans Cachorro Usa Aparelho Para Se Comunicar Com Ser Humano Ytstretch169
Video Title: (The Supernatural Gift A Joe Jonas One Shot Mini Series Part 15) Video Duration: 0:11 From: JennyLuvsJonas Category: Entertainment joe looked back and forth between the man and jen. thoughts ran through his mind at top speed. either keep his power and be able do to all this stuff, or keep jen. and he couldnt decide which was worse. if he kept his ability, he didnt know what all life held for him, but he would still have jen, only as friend, right joe: if i keep my ability, will i lose her : yes joe: how : as in, she'll be gone, permanently joe: great : you know what, you're taking too much time pushing past him and grabbing jen up jen: no put me down please joe: let her go : holding her tightly by her waist now, the longer i hold her, the more life she'll lose. and if you dont choose quickly, she'll die along with your ability. now choose jen: feeling herself getting weaker oh, oh my god, i feel, i... joe: jen reaching for her : nope, gotta choose before you can have her joe's pov what do i do i want my ability but, i love her. which is more important. oh c'mon joe why are you even wondering about that. of course she's more important, she's the best thing thats ever happened to you. end of pov joe: i want- beth: joe joe: beth not now beth: i knew this was going to happen, this is what i saw eariler i just didnt tell you joe: well good for you beth: joe you're mine, let her die joe: if she dies then i lose my ability beth: i know, thats why only two of our kids have the ability, because you wont have it in a few minutes and she'll be gone and you'll have to be with me joe: no bgt Tags: "Most Discussed", Jonas "jonas la", "jonas", "jonas la episodes", "jonas salk", "jonas brothers lyrics", "jonas brothers songs", "jonas la soundtrack", "jonas brothers tour", "jonas armstrong", "", Jonas Brothers Joe Jonas Nick Jonas Kevin Jonas Jen Joe Jonas One Shot Love Story Supernatural Gift Nicholas Sparks Time Travelers Wife Charlie St Cloud Ghost Whisperer