Video Title: (Euronews Science - Iran Le Lac Dorumieh Menacé De Sécheresse) Video Duration: 2:03 From: euronewsfr Category: Shows le lac d'orumieh est un lac salé au nord ouest de l'iran. avec une superficie de 5200 kilomètres carrés il représente une région humide de choix pour de nombreuses espèces d'oiseaux migrateurs. le lac, ses rives et sa centaine d'îles ont été clés en 1976 par l'unesco comme réserve de biosphère. or des menaces pèsent sur ce lac et notamment des menaces d'èchement. pour certains il pourrait avoir complètement disparu d'ici trois ans... frronews Tags: "Most Linked", Euronews "euronews weather", "euronews live stream", "euronews arabic", "", "euronews persian", "euronews fr", "euronews farsi", "euronews jobs", "euronews no comment", "", Euronews Science Iran
Video Title: (Les Héros De Lislam - Salman Al Farisi - 34) Video Duration: 5:55 From: AbouHabibb Category: Film and Animation as salamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh, réseau social facebook : facebook "les héros de l'islam" est une nouvelle série qui retrace la vie des compagnons du prophète 'alayhi salat wa salam et qui a pour but d'informer les musulmans sur nos véritables héros. la cible première de cette série est la jeunesse francophone, d'ou le style improvisé et accéssible des vidéos. nous rappelons que nous ne possédons aucune science, et que nous voulons simplement faire per un message. qu'allah jalla wa 'ala nous accorde la sincérité, et qu'il nous pardonne les erreurs que nous pourrons commettre. amine wa salamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh Tags: "Top Rated", Les "les miserables", "lespac", "les mills", "lesson plans", "lesean mccoy", "lesotho", "lesportsac", "lesco", "lesson plan template", "", Les Héros Islam Compagnon Prophete Francais Religion Histoire Salman Farisi Sahaba
Video Title: (Les Vendanges à Loupiac) Video Duration: 1:40 From: VinBordeaux Category: Travel and Events découvrez les vendanges sweet bordeaux avec josselin bord, vigneron à loupiac. josselin, bordeaux, 31 ans, a repris la propriété familiale viticole de loupiac il ya 5 ans. signes particuliers : adepte des sweet hours - « je suis de toutes les sweet soirées et en organise même le week end car j'adore faire la fête » - sauf pendant les vendanges. couleurs préférées : j'adore le noir qui fait ressortir la couleur or et le vert qui symbolise la vigne et l'espoir. hobbies : les sports nautiques et de glisse. « une fois mes diplômes d'œnologie et de viticulture en poche, j'ai décidé de parcourir l'afrique du sud, puis de traverser la france, poussé par l'envie de découvrir de nouvelles techniques de vinification et de mieux cerner le vin et son univers. cependant, les beaux paysages et les bons produits de mon terroir ont commencé à me manquer, si bien que j'ai choisi de revenir sur mes terres, à loupiac. aujourd'hui véritable chef d'entreprise, j'exploite 24 hectares de vignes en aoc loupiac pour une production annuelle de 120 000 bouteilles. je gère la vigne, mais aussi la distribution de mon vin que je vends en direct tant aux particuliers qu'aux professionnels, cavistes ou restaurateurs. fier de mon terroir, de mon vin et de ma culture du vin, je me suis engagé dès le départ dans le projet sweet bordeaux, et tente aujourd'hui de convertir tous mes proches et amis à la sweet atude. » Tags: "Top Favorites", Vendanges "vendanges de montmartre", "vendanges 2010", "vendanges magog", "vendanges de montmartre 2010", "vendanges tardives", "vendanges france 2010", "vendanges france", "vendanges alsace", "vendanges champagne", "", Vendanges Bordeaux Vendanges Loupiac Vendanges Vins Doux Interview Vendanges Vins Bordeaux
Video Title: (Im Proud To Say I Got You ) Video Duration: 0:44 From: disneyslide Category: Entertainment after a long time not vidding disney, i made a ds video : i don't know if i'm really back into vidding disney, but... we'll see :p this video is dedicate to my bff in real life, maude. à la vie à la mort, on sera toujours là l'une pour l'autre je t'aime fort, fort. xx, pénélope song: i got you leona lewis Tags: "Most Linked", Demi "demi moore", "demi moore bush", "demigod", "demise", "demi lovato twitter", "demi lovato lyrics", "demi lovato songs", "demi lovato tattoo", "deming", "", Demi Lovato Selena Gomez Disney Got You Leona Lewis
Video Title: Bittersweet Symphony Chapter Sixteen ♥ Video Duration: 0:10 From: BIEBSwriters Category: Entertainment previously on 'bittersweet symphony'
justin remembered how they had first met.
pixie pov ♥
the rain poured down in bucketfulls, softly out of the silvercoloured sky, as i walked along the busy street. of course, me being still sleepy, i forgot to bring an umbrella. however, the sun still beamed brightly, when i stepped out of the building. but mother nature felt like playing a prank on me, she suddenly decided to make it ing pour down with rain. curse you, atlanta weather. i thought this place was sunny and all well, fail to that. i could feel the water completely drenching my white blouse. it won't be long, before it would turn completely see-through. i had again, pulled on something nex, just like cameron had demanded. a short, blue skirt, a white blouse with heartprints, and a green cardigan. look 1050457-left-right-left
i had layed some curls into my hair, but it was soaked by now as it stuck to my face. i started walking faster, as the big school building came in sight. shelter, god, please. shelter. i burst through the big gl doors, making all heads turn my way. embarressed, i paced through the hallway, trying to burry my head into my chest, untill i bumped into someone. the sweet smell of cologne immediately filled the air around me. i looked up to find justin, standing right in front of my face, with a cheeky grin on his face. i furrowed my eyebrows and blew coldy, through the gaps in my teeth.
''can i help you'' i snapped, shortly gazing over his shoulder, and then back into his rusty auburn eyes.
he let out a little chuckle, as he ajusted the strap to his backpack he looked to the floor and flipped his hair. ''a bad day to wear a purple bra, huh'' he nodded towards my chest, gesturing the bright purple material that was out winning the grey, purple heart printer shirt i was going for.
i blushed, and widened my eyes, as i hadn't noticed my were pretty much on sho i guess thats why funny amp disgusted looks were darted my way, as soon as i walked through the doors.
i quickly pulled both sides of my cardigan around my body, trying to hide the beaming colour.
his cheeky smirk hadn't shifted from his face as my eyes drew back to his like magets. ''well you had a good look didn't you you can move no'' i said, narrowing my eyes towards him.
i pushed around his wall-like body and as i did, he laughed an inaproppriate comment.
''not good enough.'' he said, tilting his head to the side, biting his bottom lip. i only scoffed, and marched up the corridoor, and made my way to science cl, with lovely mr briggs.
deffinetley, not my day.
justin pov ♥
the weather had been dismal all morning amp the angry sound of thunder errupted. the rain had gotten very heavy, and just like every day a 4:00pm, the traffic was horrendous.
with the swishing of the non-stop window wippers, the penetration of the rain hitting against the screen, and the loud moans of mother nature, fitted together perfectly. the dizzy radio singnal was becoming dodgy, so now was i not only bored, annoyed and cold, but i was also, unsatisfied.
the enraged people in the vehicles around me, continuously pipped there horns, and shouted out of there windows, risking to get wet. we weren't gonna' budge, end of.
i tapped away at the steering wheel, and gave a loud miserable sigh, when my eye caught the same pair of legs that had been staring at, for the past three days. i rubbed over the steamy window and saw pixie walking along the street, looking fed up, cold and extremely wet. i was taking the chance, so i gave the blocked, busy road another check, before i hopped out of the car.
the beeping of peoples cars only got worst, and i heard the odd phrase of ''get off the road jack'' run from the displeased people, behind the wheels of the cars, who were desperate to get home.
i pulled my jock jacket above my head as i ran, and as soon as my foot hit the pavement, i heard the slapping of water bounce from off of my high top sneakers.
''pixie'' i shouted, trying to over come the noisy sea of convulsed objects around me.
her body calmy turned around, she squinted her eyes, as the water from the sky tryed to enter them.
''what'' she yelled. the water was running down her face, just like she had took a shower.
i steered closer to her, ''come on, i'll take you home.'' i nodded towards my car. her eyes followed. she hesitated before answering she breathed heavily and bit her bottom lip.
our wet hands interwinded, and we ran across the road for dear life, and back into the shelter of my big, black range rover.
written by: kittyrocks777 biebswriters.
rachael amp hannah. ♥
sorry for not uploading on this, for a while.
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Video Title: Mix N°1 Part1 Dj Alex Video Duration: 10:51 From: DeejayAlex35133 Category: Music c'est mon premier mix donc j'ai fait avec les moyens du bord, laissez moi vos commentaire pour que je puisse m'amélioré...
la suite ici : youtube watchv5pdwwvaux6a
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Video Title: Emission Gui 2003 Video Duration: 1:05 From: webmastergui Category: Entertainment vidéo que je viens de retrouver dans mes vieux cd.
voici ma tentative de faire une émission de style weblog mais avec le désavantage d,avoir une caméra qui n'enregistre pas le son et qui fait des séquences de 16 secondes maximum en 320 x 240 . alors j'ai utilisé le micro de mon ordinateur pour enregistrer ma voix puis j'ai fait le montage de l'audio du vidéo avec un logiciel... ouf, c'était ca mon équipement en 2003.
tournage et montage réalisé le 11 mai 2003 selon les propriétés du fichier... fait avec une caméra numérique olympus stylus 300. Tags: "Most Recent", Webmastergui "webmaster guild", "webmaster guidelines google", "webmaster guidelines seo", "", Webmastergui Emission 2003 Olympus Cybergui Cool Drole Jambon