Video Title: (I´m Hisjemi Love StoryespaÑol Cap 912) Video Duration: 0:17 From: jemiforever100 Category: People and Blogs joe-queria hablar contigo,puedo dem-ok,pero rapido joe-perdon por lo de antes,no pretendia que te enfadaras...ya sabes..lo de la cascada.. dem-eso ya sta olvidado,asi que mejor ni me lo recuerdes.. joe-sonrieya...te sabes el guion dem-un de esto de lo que querias hablarporque ya puedes ir llendote.. joe-eres preciosa lo sabes que tu digas..sabes..mejor me voy yo dentro..da unos pasos para entrar dentro joe-algo más.. dem-si.. joe-hemos comenzado con mal quisiera seguir caes bn y podriamos ser buenos amigos..que dices dem-le mira y se queda pensandook,esta bn..tu tanbien me puedes caer bn..aunque vas a tener que hacer un gran esfuerzo aunque no lo parezca..haveces soy muy dificil.. joe-sonrievienes dentro dem-si..sera lo habeces parece que estoy enfadada te lo tomes a mal vale joe-lo tendre en cuenta..entran willy-tenemos que hablar un poco..asi que sentaros.. dem-de que willy-vereis,mañana comenzaremos a rodar..así que esta noche nada de fistas..porfavor.mi,mañana maria cannas se encargara de ti..esta deseando conocere y los hermanitos de "oro"..cuidarme bn a la niña..que no se meta en lios.. dem-willy..puedo cuidarme sola ehno tengo 5 años.. kevin-confia en nosotros estara bn.. dem-porque dices todo esto..te vas willy-miley necesita mi ayuda..y tengo que volver a los angeles.. dem-que le ha pasado will-no,nada inportantemira a nicklo que pasa esque ultimamente..esta muy bgt Tags: "Most Responded", Jemi "jemina pearl", "jemima rooper", "jemistry", "jemina", "jemi break up", "jemicy school", "jemima goldsmith", "jemile weeks", "jemima j", "", Jemi
Video Title: (Acai And Your Immune System Wmv) Video Duration: 2:10 From: myacaiberryjuice Category: Science and Technology provide by: myacaiberryjuice one of your bodies most important systems is acai berry. this article explores the link between acai berry juice and your immune system and discusses the ways that acai berry is beneficial. get a free report - ""why acai"" and learn the science behind the acai berry hype at myacaiberryjuice meta cafe acai berry juice has been shown to be very beneficial for your immune system. in this video, we explore the list of nutrients and vitamins, and how they can help. get a free report - ""why acai"" and learn the science behind the acai berry hype at myacaiberryjuice daily motion produced by fruits 4 life network myacaiberryjuice the link between acai berry juice and your immune system is an important one to understand. you already know that vitamins and minerals are important to your health. in this video, we will discuss which vitamins acai berry is known for, and how they can help. get a free report - ""why acai"" and learn the science behind the acai berry hype at myacaiberryjuice yahoo this video article goes into the links between acai berry juice and your immune system. it discusses the vitamins and other nutrients that are present, and how they can help to protect your health. this video has been produced by fruits 4 life network. you can find a free acai berry report on their website at myacaiberryjuice " Tags: "Most Responded", Acai "acai berry scams", "acai berry side effects", "acai", "acai berry diet", "acai berry weight loss", "acai berry detox", "acai optimum", "acai berry oprah", "acai optimum scam", Acai Berry Juice Immune System
Video Title: (Deck Of The Month-december-gadgets) Video Duration: 3:49 From: Berthakun11 Category: People and Blogs well guys this is me and bertha's first video. and we present a deck of the month video that we'll be doing practically every month if somethingg happens to use we will obviously stop and this months deck are practically any anti-meta user's friend, gadgets. in our deck of the months which most people dont do is after showing us build the deck we then have a duel with it to show ua way that the deck runs. in the duel that i did with gadgets i forgot to summon tragoedia after his 2nd ... Tags: "Most Linked", Deck "decks", "deck the halls lyrics", "decking", "deck the halls", "deck plans", "deck of cards", "decking designs", "deck building", "deckers", Deck Of The Month December